Where? - 2

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"Yes, you are going to have to move Elvira." Her mother says. Sadness is the only expression  Elvira could pick up on. "But where would I go?" Her mom doesn't say anything, she just shakes her head and lets herself fall to the ground. "I don't know honey, but you can't stay here. You can't be in the U.S. anymore. She will just continue to find you until she has you." Elvira joins her mother on the ground. 

"What about London?"

Her mother looks at her. "London? Why London?" Elvira looks at her mother in response. "I have always loved London. It looks so pretty in all the photos I have seen. I love the city. I think I could do well there." Her mom looks up as she starts thinking. She has always done that. "It could work. Do you think you could handle being on your own honey?"

"Like I have any choice at this point mom..."

Elvira looks down again, this time fighting back the tears. She could feel that lump in her throat when you're trying to be as quiet as possible. It was burning so badly, she couldn't hide it. Her mom pulls her into a tight hug. "I'm scared, mom..." "I know honey... I know... Me too." 

Elvira and her mom sit there on the floor for a good amount of time. Neither of them cared though. They were both scared to let go. Elvira sobs. She sobs harder than she ever had in her life. She was scared, she knew that much. Beyond that, that was in the hands of the universe. She couldn't be in control anymore. There was nothing else she could do. All she could do was cry and hope right now, and that was the best she could do.

"Elvira, honey." Her mom says, a few tears falling down her face as well. "Honey we need to figure this out and get you there as soon as we possibly can."

She knew this. She knew she needed to get up and start this next era of her life. She knew this

"Okay... Okay yeah... Let's do this.." 

She stands up, stumbling a bit. She stood up too quickly. "Damn iron deficiency." Her mom looks at her and chuckles. "Stand up to quick honey?" "Yeah, just a tad bit. I see stars, one sec." Elvira places her hand on the light gray wall, leaning on it catching her balance. She remembers painting this wall with her mom. She was about 12 or 13. Her mom was always technical, everything needs to be perfect type. But when they were painting this wall, they had fun.

  I am going to miss this all so much...

Elvira finally gets her bearings and walks all the way into her moms' office. Her mom is sitting at her desk in front of her laptop looking at apartments and flights to London. "Hey, mom." She looks up from her laptop at her. "Hey, honey. I started looking at apartments. I think I found one." Elvira leans over her mom's shoulder to get a better look at the website she was looking at. "Oh, that looks nice. Nice block." "I thought so too."

"Where is it in London?"

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