Hello? - 5

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Elvira makes her way through security. This part always made her the most anxious. So many eyes on her, assuming she's carrying contraband to the airplane. As she places her backpack in the bin she remembers her laptop. She rushes to grab her bag and take it out, placing it in a separate bin. Do I have anything else? I don't think so. I hope not. My shoes! She takes her shoes off, embarrassed to do so. 

She stands in line waiting to go through the metal detector. She knows she doesn't have any necklaces or earrings. No bracelets or anything, so she isn't too worried. But a part of her always was.

"Next, please!"

The voice of the TSA Agent snaps her out of her thoughts. She walks her way up and stops, waiting for the signal. The Agent waves their fingers, telling Elvira it was okay to walk through. She does so. As suspected, it doesn't alert. Elvira lets out a breath she didn't realize she was holding in. She walks up to her stuff in a rushed motion, she never knew if anyone would try and steal her stuff when she wasn't looking... Not that she had much to steal anyways. She grabs her backpack, laptop, and her shoes. She swiftly walks over to a small bench sitting by the bathrooms to put her shoes back on. She places her laptop in her bag and with that, she wanders off trying to find her gate. 

"Gate 355... Where the hell is that?"

And as if was a magic call, a man suddenly emerges from nowhere.

"Oh, That's where I'm going."

The voice scares her to death. "Oh. Oh my God. Hi. That would be amazing, thank you." And that's when she looks up at the man standing there. "A-Are you...?"

Immediately the man cuts her off. "yes, yes I am exactly who you think I am. but please don't cause a scene, I don't need people knowing I'm in America."

Elvira, stunned, just nods her head. 

"I like your jumper by the way." He winks at the end of that sentence. Elvira looks down to see what she was wearing. She smiles. Her Sunset color block hoodie from Tommyinnits store. The one with his name plastered on her chest. What a way to start her new life.

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