I. 6/31/2023- "Manhattan Building"

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My name is Joseph Easton, Scientist of the SCP Foundation, Class 4 clearance. I was in charge of testing anomalies and seeing how they interact with another. I pushed for the D-Class Preservation Act after COVID hit, and found some ways that SCP Anomalies could help the general public. My next research would not be the end of me, but many others. Many loved ones, and many friends...

I was in the "Manhattan Building as we got an unusual update from The Board of Observation, SCP 1471- what she or it(?) did was unknown. They had a feminine anthropomorphized figure and a canine skull, ears and tail hence why I thought they were female. I was there to see if they responded to any stimuli and their diet. I waited for it to do something but it just stared at me. I then used an intercom to broadcast into her cell.

"Hello, can you tell us your name?" I asked.
"Malo." She said in a sultry voice.
"Where are you from?"
"A galaxy far far away."
I thought of that as them making a terrible joke and marked them as a female.
"What is your purpose?" I said clearly annoyed.
"To bring harmony amongst you all." She said as I was skeptical.
"How might you do that?"
"Come in here, I'll show you~" she said flirtatiously trying to bait me.

"No thanks. I value my life." I said teasing her
I then paged for a d class, specifically one from the furry fandom, to see what she would do. The D-Class did not hesitate, but even I could not predict what would happen next. Her body opened up and sickeningly dark red, smooth and shiny veins sprouted out and attached to him. He was screaming in pain as she just let out a sadistic laugh and... absorbed him...

"Eugh! Gross, such a waste of good genetics! No intelligence or positive physical traits!"
I just stood there in horror of what I witnessed. I called for an emergency meeting.

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