II. 7/1/2023- "Manhattan Building: Board Room"

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I had explained what I saw with video and audio recordings of what "Malo" did.

"Director Thaden, can we move her to an isolated cell? I worry if she shared a cell with another SCP she might forcibly kill and absorb them." I had said concerned
"Well that seems like she could be used here, kill the ones that can't serve the public." He said with a jovial tone in his voice.
"Sir, we haven't even seen what has happened afterwards. It could lead to an "end of the world" scenario. I said sternly to him clearly annoyed.
"May I remind you of your position Mister Easton?!" Director Vargas exclaimed looking at me.
"No ma'am..."
"And how easily replacable you can become?" Director Kelly had added.
'No sir..." I had replied embarrassed at trying to speak up.
"Then The Board concludes this meeting. Move 1471 with 682 Easton, we will fill in a request to make you a residency here."
"I- Yes sir..."

They seemed only half interested as they brushed off my concern for future testing, they got too comfortable. I moved into the observation chamber of 682 and saw 1471 placed there. I thought I was going to enjoy the two battle it out, all I got was even more horror.

I watched her taunt the lizard as it rushed to her. She did what she has done to that D-Class, only 682 sounded like it was in actual real pain. It made a bloodcurdling shriek and tried crawling away. It was soon in her...
"A prime being! Such genetic materials and an insatiable hatred! I'll dispose of that trait, heheheh."
...I felt guilty and sorry for 682's death.... This woman was more cruel than anything else.

SCP Alternate History: The Flesh GodessDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora