4: Law & Order-Version gossip family

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There were a lot of MDs from Victoria on my mobile. She was free next Friday and suggested some places. Obviously, I selected the movies. The cinema is in Battle Ground over twenty minutes from WoodenTown. It's the perfect place to recharge without anyone noticing.

Besides, in this way, we couldn't talk much. Andrew thinks these things are easy, 'go on a date with that cute girl,' 'Think about this dance,' 'I'm sure that you would have a good time.' That is bullshit. If I approached the people, they would start to ask. 'Where are you from,' 'Why do you live with your aunt and uncle?', and the worst, 'Where are your parents?'.

My life is hard enough without typical teenage troubles. And it's a matter of time before these problems appear if I'm not careful. Maybe I should have accepted.

I put the phone on silent and went to bed without eating dinner. After this intense day, I only want to sleep. I was begging to sleep when my Uncle Jerry appear by the stairs.

"The dinner is ready. Are you sleeping?" he asked.

"I tried. I'm not hungry."

"C'mon boy, Sunday dinners are very important."

Jerry is tremendously traditional in some things. I saw him cry while the national anthem was sounding, and Sunday's church and family dinner is something sacred. Despite this, he is a good guy and hardworking. Let's be real, if some unknown nephew shows up at your house without any explanation, not many people are gonna be down to just let him in.

I changed my jams and downed. The best moment of the week, the interrogation. Okay, interrogation maybe be too much. It's a conversation that the authority figure wants that we tell them all about our week. It's a fucking interrogation.

First Elena the eldest daughter, for only five minutes, the last thing is mentioned by Tomas all the time. Then Tomas and after I,  and lastly Mary. Always in that order, from oldest to youngest.

"Well, Dylan, something new?" my aunt asked.

"As usual, class and job," I said while staring down the peas on my plate with reluctance.

"And what did you do today? We didn't see you all day," Jerry asked.

He wouldn't approve of how I passed the Sunday. He's barely over me being an atheist. I prefer not to think about his reaction if he knows I'm all about casual flings. Well, I was.

"I hung out with a friend." It's not a lie at all.

Okay, it's a lie. I don't like lying but sometimes the consequences of telling the truth suck even more. For example, if Andrew had bought my lies, I'd all be enjoying a peaceful dinner without these impulses to wreck stuff.

"Do you have friends?" Tomas said.

"Tomas Jefferson White, I educated you better than this. Disculpate inmediatamente, vaya por dios," when my aunt got angry, she finished saying something in Spanish. Maybe this's the reason why my cousins don't learn Spanish, the language of scoldings.

"Sorry Dylan," he was blushing as red as a tomato. I wasn't angry, he was right about me and my friends.

"Friends, I don't know, but he has a date," Elena said with a crooked grin.

"Really, who?" Tomas asked.

"Victoria," Elena answered him.

"Do you have a date with the most beautiful girl in the school? You are born lucky," Tomas said.

This conversation had been very uncomfortable. I changed the issue, and rapidly Mary saved me when she started to talk about her week. Apparently, she had married a boy from her class. Jerry started a speech about why she doesn't have to play with these things, that marriage is sacred. Unfortunate Mary.

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