8: Jumping into the lake is the only way to leave a party stylishly

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The people were arriving, and I stayed in a corner near the lake. The lake view was beautiful, even at night.

The backyard was packed with people, and it was not small. Even the pool was full. I guess half school was there. Although I imagine that not the half that is in love with me, that'd be weird. I'm not going to lie, my desire for teen dramas, is zero, but my ego got a boost from being so popular among my classmates.

Then I saw Elene and Victoria arriving. She was so pretty. But, it was the moment, I would speak with her. I was hella nervous. I went towards them. However, my attention was caught by a loud scream and a shiny blue light that appeared in the middle of the people. The crowd started to run away. My common sense told me that I must follow the rest of the people. I wish I paid more attention to it, doing my life easier.

Jackson was covered in flames, mainly in his hands and arms. Percy was near but he couldn't get any closer because of the heat.

This was the first time that I saw a lack of control. It was weird in someone like Jackson, he had his power long ago. People usually lack control when their powers woke up but at that moment their powers are weak. This wasn't the case, his flames must have been hundreds of degrees.

"What you need Jackson? I'm here," Percy tried to calm his brother, but it didn't work.

"Percy, you have to get away. Don't worry, I take care of it," I said.

"Dylan, you're crazy. Out of here," Percy replied to me.

The heat was greater every second. Many people continued in the garden because the patio door was small and people were stuck. If the flames broke free, they wouldn't survive.

I noticed that Percy's skin was red;  he was starting to burn. I didn't have options I needed to get him out of there quickly. But, he resisted bravely instead of running away like normal people.

"Percy, I need that you hold your breath."

"What?" He said.

At that moment, I throw Percy towards the pool hoping not to kill him. I got close to Jackson. My idea not to kill anyone was shit, but it was my unique idea.

"Jackson, if you can hear me I need you to throw flames at me. It's complicated to explain, but I'm a HEA, I can resist it," he seemed terrified "Please, I know that it's hard. But if you make how I say, all will be okay." I smiled at him.

Jackson screamed in pain, and the flames shoot off toward me. I started to absorb them. I never had made something similar, absorbing thermal energy is hard, not it's like electricity. It's so wild and chaotic. Part of my clothes scorched in the process, but my body resisted. Jackson released all his flames and he passed out.

I kneeled down, I was exhausted but strangely well. Then I noticed the grass under my knee was roasting with my heat. If I was liberated so much energy uncontrolled that means that my body was overloaded, it had rarely happened to me and wasn't good.

Maybe if I had recharged the last day, I could have resisted all this power. I needed to discharge to a safe place where I was alone. I thought in the pool, but Percy was still trying to get out.

I only was an option; I jumped towards the lake. This was the time that higher I jumped. The sensations were incredible, I had felt so strong in another moment of my fucking life. For a sec, I only can think about if could touch the moon.

However, the descent was quick. I wasn't able to use my powers to fall slowly like usual. I fell a few meters from the shore of the lake, it was deep.

The water bubbled around me, and I felt as if the hot in my insides was liberated. I was absolutely motionless; I felt calm. After a few seconds, my body started to move unevenly. I needed oxygen desperately.

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