chapter 05

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Fuck. I was late again. I checked my watch and it read 8:20. I was ten minutes late, and I'm sure Miss Dawson would kill me.

I swear I didn't mean to be late, but my mate was in trouble, and I had to help him. He got into a fight with his girlfriend's ex, and it was getting nasty, so I had to intervene.

I'm not one to ditch my mates. Especially in a situation like this.

Making my way to English, I wrecked my head trying to find a good excuse to cover it up. I couldn't tell her the truth, for obvious reasons. 

For one, I'm not trying to get expelled, and second, Miss Dawson is a good person and I don't want her to be disappointed in me.

She was a major help when I first came here, and she's the only person who I care about in this school other than my friends. Which is why I hate making her upset.

On the other hand, I can't tell her the truth either. She hates it when I get into fights and quarrels, because she's worried and afraid for me at the same time.

If it wasn't for her two years ago, I wouldn't be standing here today. She pulled me out of my toxic household and helped me overcome every trauma I had back then.

Myself, I haven't had the easiest childhood. Ever since I can remember, my mother has been an alcoholic and my dad an abusive piece of shit, who spent every day of his life abusing and torturing me.

My mother was no better though. For the first thirteen years of my life, she was a good person.

Kind, loving, caring and compassionate.

As soon as I turned fifteen, she went downhill. It all started when she found out that my dad was cheating on her, and instead of moving on, she decided to drink her pain and problems away.

Only problem with that was, that she left a son behind fending and standing up for himself all alone.

At the beginning of my dad's abusing, she would defend me at times, but nothing major. When she realized that she no longer could affect him, she quit altogether and let him beat me up. Night and day.

At school, things weren't much easier. Before I came to Wellspring High, I was studying at a school near my house, which in one word, sucked.

I never understood rich people's motives and antics. Never got to decipher how their brains work, or what kind of logic they apply. 

They just like to think that they're better than everyone else, and target people who belong in an inferior class than them.

Let's just say that something similar happened to me.

I'm not rich, but not poor either. I'd say I belong in the middle-class type of people. And I'm perfectly fine with it. 

Back when I was in the other school, people used to make fun of me for the parents I had, and the boys used to beat me up with every chance they got.

In conclusion, I didn't have the happy and fun school years. That was, until I came to Wellspring. 

When I turned sixteen, I decided to finally dump that shithole of a home and go live somewhere else. Luckily for me, my best friend at the time Theo, knew about my situation and offered to take me in.

I was in a desperate need to get away, so I agreed and moved in with him and his family to Wellspring. 

Since then, I have been living with them, and I have been attending Wellspring High. Wellspring is quite a rich city, and I was worried that I would have to go through the same shit I did back in Hillfort. 

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