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     So basically, warning: alot of the poems, (especially the beginning ones) are pretty old and a little cringey. um yeah. most of the later ones are like not shit tho.

Edit: i may or may not have reorder them so um yeah and renamed them so...yeah have fun with that.

     Also I take requests. 

*You can ask for a theme like "clouds" and I'll write a poem about clouds.

*You can ask for a specific pattern (the order that words rhyme in) and ill write you a poem with that specific pattern eg "abab"

*You can request for a specific line to be in a poem

*you can request the poem to be more depressing or light hearted

*You can request for the poem to be shorter or longer or around a certain word length (eg around 200, <50, >300) the minimum words is <10, maximum is >500

*And you can ask me to write a poem about a certain character 

(You can combine these requests, like "please write a poem around 100 words long with the theme of summer, and make it negative (as in hating summer)"

Thanks  :)

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