4. A Wonderful Time

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The next day, punctual, I had introduced myself to the hotel concierge who had been away for a few minutes and had indicated on a sign, he would be back soon. Two seconds later, someone tapped me on the shoulder and I turned around. Once again, Mr. Vedder had surprised me with his presence.

"Hi, there."

I smiled and spontaneously he gave me a brief hug. He smelled good and the smell of his leather jacket ... Why had he hugged me? I don't know exactly. A sudden burst of joy probably. He handed me my ticket plus an access badge. The concert would start at 9:17pm sharp and I would have to go to tent number 2 to present my ticket and access badge. My eyes widened with amazement as I was over the moon.

I hugged him in turn which made him smile.

"Since you're here... Do you want to come to the rehearsal?"

"No. No kidding?"

"No kidding."

"Is it okay if I attend?"

"Yes, it will. Terribly."

I smiled and followed him. Before we left the hotel, in the lobby, Eddie took me by the hand and we walked to the five-door car with tinted windows. A black Espace. It was surreal. Maybe he'd done it to make us walk faster, I thought. It would have been as naive to believe it but first, proud to think that an attractive one was possible. The reason why ... It was going too fast and just thinking that I could only be wrong about his intentions. I was wrong.

Everyone said hello to me in the car and the driver started, direction; Shoreline.

Forty-two minutes later, I was sitting in the front row, attending the rehearsal. The band was phenomenal to see, to hear. An hour and a half later, I congratulated them, my eyes filled with admiration, gratitude for having had the privilege to be here, thanking them.

Finally, I had spent the whole day there and even the evening where we had eaten all together. I had warned my parents that I might be home late just in case. Being independent was not yet on the agenda because financially it was not an option. And I was not in a hurry. I admit, I liked living with my parents.

Music, grilling, laughing, an excellent atmosphere had reigned and this evening had been magical. I had even danced with Eddie on half Latin and gypsy music. I loved it. And he danced well to my surprise. I will remember it all my life. It was now 11:00 pm and time to leave so that the band could rest for the big day.

Before we all got in the car, we slipped away. We took the opportunity to talk some more, joking around. As Eddie sat on a wooden table, he gently pulled me to him and hugged my waist. I didn't know how to react and just said that I was too small, that he should get off the table which he did and sat on the bench.

His two arms embraced me at that moment while I was still standing in front of him, my heart racing. I felt what was about to happen.

"Tonight was great," I said.

He looked at me and replied; "Oh, yeah,"  in a low very soft voice. He briefly buried his face in my light pink sweater, pressing against it as he tightened his arms around my waist. Eddie then looked at me as I wondered how he didn't get cold just dressed in his long t-shirt, his leather jacket lying on the wooden table. I would have worn it, I thought. The temperatures in San Francisco are not the same as in Los Angeles. It's cool around here in February and especially in the evening.

As for me, I had put mine on, being a bit cold. I then put my hands on his beautiful wavy hair before caressing it.

"I'd like to stay here all night. " I said in a low voice while looking away.

Eddie let go of my waist, pulled on his leather jacket and added that he couldn't wait for tomorrow. As he said this, his hand wrapped around my waist again.

"What do you say? Should I wait until tomorrow or let fate do it one more time?"

"About what? "I asked while having a small idea of what he meant.

"That we have the same great night tomorrow after the concert."

"Is something planned?"


It suddenly made me happy as hell to relive this.

"Here  or ..."


I smiled.

"I don't know." I said, looking away.

"What do you feel like?"

"I'm loving right now," I replied, just.

"It's the same for me."

He was silent for a very brief moment and stared at me.

"Twenty years, right?"he commented with a small smile.

"Yes. Last December."I answered shyly, looking down before raising my eyes to his. 

After the MTV Video Music Awards, when we had talked, we had found this other thing we have in common about our birth month. I was born on December 21st and Eddie was born on the 23rd and both of us are from a different year. 27 and a half and 19 and a half ... 20 now was better for his 28th year. Eddie stretched a tender, radiant smile and kissed me very sweetly and languidly. His tongue slid delicately into my mouth before subtly brushing my bottom lip. My ears began to buzz, heady with  arousal.

He had felt my lust as much as I had felt his.  

"How is your uncle doing by the way?"he asked me, trying to get back to a normal dialogue.

"He is doing well. Currently he's finishing up work with a band called Radiohead. I heard it's great."

"Your uncle is getting a good reputation in the music industry from what I can see."

"That's true." I replied, proud of him.

"I think you have a good chance of succeeding in what you do now as well."

I looked at him, still a little skeptical but happy with his words of encouragement.

" I'll see what happens.

"You're modest but I love it." he more or less whispered to me jokingly while hugging my waist again briefly.

The contact made me shiver. Later, I had  wisely gone home.

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