15.Good Wake Up Call, City Of Angels![Part 2]

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Eddie's POV

I wasn't used to doing nothing all day, even when I was a teenager. I liked to be busy and it became more important to me when the relationship with my stepfather was strained, which was often. After my mother revealed the real identity of my biological father to me, during my teenage years and the shock I had, in order not to think about it too much, I often spent a whole day surfing during the weekend.

This helped me to clear my mind of emotional pain that could sneak into my brain.

The ocean had and still has the gift of clearing my mind of all racing thoughts. I feel free in the middle of nowhere, alone, my mind empty of all negativity. So in this early afternoon, which was slightly sunny, after I had taken a hearty breakfast, and clean as a whistle, I told myself that going to meet some waves that I could tame, was a very good and healthy idea. I needed to become one with the ocean.

I still remembered what I said after our MTV Unplugged performance.

"It was a love song I wrote about my surfboard." And I laughed before adding, it was actually about a person I hope to see tomorrow named Beth."

I wrote the lyrics to this song when I was outside because I was out feeding a parking meter. The studio door wouldn't open and it had been a typically rainy day in Seattle when we were working on this track. Luckily I had a pen and paper in my pocket. All I could hear was the bass coming through the wall, and that window being boarded up. So I wrote the song while listening to the bass.

This song that I wrote with Stone and played with him, was unanimous. We all loved it. He had never seen anyone engage in songwriting the way I had and still do. I've been asked many times what this song means and this is what I said.

"It's a metaphor for the struggles and sacrifices in a long distance relationship. Through a strong image of the ocean and its cunning currents, the fragility and unpredictability of love was conveyed. The verse speaks of the perseverance needed to keep the relationship afloat; Hold on to the thread, the currents will move, I'll slide towards you.

Know that there is something left, as well as in the hope that one day they will be reunited no matter the distance, for the waves roll in my thoughts, hold tight the ring, the sea will rise. Please stand by the shore. In the end, the song is an ode to the beauty of lasting love, translated most powerfully."

"I'll be, I'll be there once more".

I wrote it thinking of me and Beth as I did when I wrote; Black, when things weren't right between us. Unfortunately, distance separated us, we both got lost in an endless ocean, which sucked us in. The strong bond we had, did not resist. I was in so much pain, that when I sang Black at MTV Unplugged, which was a wonderful outlet. It was so painful. There was no one else, until I met Miss Barrose.

I didn't think until that chance meeting that I would be able to bring a new person into my life. I had sincerely enjoyed our conversation during the MTV After and had taken such pleasure in talking with her. Yeah, I admit it. The attraction was immediate as we were talking. I was seduced by that. But nineteen years old... It was so young to me. It's strange how fate decides to bring you together. What were the odds?

I thought of Ocean again and thought, I don't know why, that this song also resembled my relationship with Erina. I got a little scared because I suddenly felt that it could be as strong between us as it had been between me and Beth. Just the feeling alone scared me because what I already felt for her was not limited to just the various pleasures we had just started to share together. Yeah, I admit that something else.

After our very first meeting, I had sometimes thought about our conversation, her voice, her face, her sweet and rich spirit and sometimes her well shaped lips. When she spoke, her lips had an irresistible movement that seemed to cradle my soul, tired from all the emotions that had filled it again.

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