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Season Five x Episode One

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Season Five x Episode One

Dream A Little Dream Of Me

Savannah had been doing her internship for a few months already, their residents weren't exactly great so it was rare they would get to scrub in on any surgeries, she was currently sitting on a bench in the locker room, watching as her best friend, Lexie Grey, paced back and forth asking George O'Malley the questions that were written down on the stack of flashcards she was holding. He was going to be retaking his intern exam soon and Lexie had been non-stop helping him study, she had an undeniable crush on the man that it was almost embarrassing. 

The blonde watched as her friend stood right behind George, sniffing his neck, a confused expression appeared on the girl's face, her eyebrows scrunching together as she watched her friend's strange behaviour, George left the room quickly, clearly stressed from all the studying. 

"What was that Lexie?" Savannah asked the dark-haired girl, raising an eyebrow at her, trying not to laugh at her friend's actions.

"What? Nothing," Lexie replied, nervously, avoiding eye contact, "come on, we have to go now," the girl grabbed Savannah's wrist leading her out of the locker room and into the hallway with the residents and other interns. "Sorry we're late, I-" Lexie tried to apologise only to be cut off by their resident, Cristina Yang, who put her hand up to stop Lexie from talking.

"No talking unless it's medical," Cristina scolded, making Savannah roll her eyes and getting Lexie to stop talking, all of the interns following behind Cristina and Meredith, watching as they spoke to each other, not as quiet as they thought they were being. Cristina sent the group of interns to 'check the charts,' the older woman found enjoyment in telling the interns what to do, most of the time just telling them to do stuff she could easily do herself. Cristina indicated for the interns to follow her again while Meredith and Cristina continued their conversation. 

They continued following them until their pagers started beeping, Cristina lead her group of interns, which included Savannah and Lexie, to the pit and wait around for some traumas to come through, now that Seattle Grace was the number 12 teaching hospital, traumas were being taken to higher ranked hospitals. 

Savannah and Lexie stood at the main desk in the pit, looking through the charts that Cristina had told them to, "you should just tell him that you like him," Savannah told her friend, still looking down at the charts.

"I don't like him," Lexie exclaimed, trying to hide her pink cheeks and her smile. Savannah only let out a small laugh at her friend's reaction.

The two girls looked up from the charts when they saw three women and a severely injured man being brought into the hospital, the three women being helped onto beds while the man was pushed into a trauma room, "Prescott," Savannah was called by Bailey, "you clean up this patient," she ordered, pointing to a woman with curled ginger hair, the blonde nodded, handing the folder she had over to Lexie, and making her way over to the patient, grabbing some gloves on the way over, Dr Torres was already checking the woman over for any breaks, sprains or dislocations, while Savannah began a general examination before cleaning up the cut on her face. Two of the three women were trying to get ahold of one of their husbands. 

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