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Season Four x Episode Three

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Season Four x Episode Three

Here Comes The Flood

Savannah sat slouched down in one of the hospital's auditorium chairs, other interns and doctors sat all around her, waiting for Webber to come and give out the new rules for the hospital. She sat next to Lexie, an empty aisle seat on the other side of her.

"What do you think these new rules are about?" Lexie asked, leaning closer to the blonde.

"Probably to do with the fact this hospital has been ranked 12 on the list of teaching hospitals when it used to be in the top 3," Savannah suggested, sitting up straight.

"Hey, Sav," the girl heard a familiar voice, turning to see her older sister, Alison, sitting down in the empty seat beside her.

"Ali, hi," she greeted, giving her sister a smile, "oh, Lexie, have you met my sister?" Anna questioned her friend, pointing over to the blonde sitting beside her.

"Of course, Dr Prescott-Daniels, it's great to see you again," Lexie smiled, giving her a small wave, which Alison returned with a quick 'you too,' as Webber started explaining his new rules.


Savannah had been put to work with her resident, Cristina, both of them working under Dr Derek Shepherd, on Barry Patmore, he's been experiencing chronic headaches for the last seven years and has yet to have found a medication that works.

They were currently examining him, this was the final exam they could really do and then they were out of options, and this man would be in pain for the rest of his life. Savannah had come up with an idea of what it could be.

"Dr Yang, I think I have an idea-" Savannah started, only to be cut off by the other woman.

"Don't just think, know," she said shaking her head at the younger woman, "run to the lab and collect the test results," she dismissed her, making Savannah roll her eyes before leaving the room and making her way to the lab.


Savannah still stood at the main desk, she needed a break before going back to deal with Yang, And then she saw the one person that might be able to help prove her theory on Mr Patmore's illness, Mark Sloan.

"Dr Sloan," Savannah said walking over to him, where he was reading through a patient file.

"You decided which one you like yet?" Said man asked sarcastically, smirking at her.

Savannah only shook it off, wanting to remain professional, "I'm working with Shepherd today on a pain patient, and I saw this article when me and Lexie were helping George study, and obviously, the chief started that whole new thing where he wants the interns to be heard, not just seen so-" her rambling was cut off by Sloan, as she followed him through the hallway.

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