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Season 5 x Episode 6

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Season 5 x Episode 6

Life During Wartime

Savannah sat with her best friend, Lexie, in the cafeteria, she listened as the girl ranted about George not noticing her despite her best efforts to make it clear to him.

"You know what? I'm just going to ignore him," Lexie announced, taking sips from her coffee.

"You live with him, that might be a bit difficult," Savannah stated, smiling at her clearly stressed friend. "Lex, you'll find someone better, someone, who really wants you and sees you for how truly amazing you are," she reassured her, both of them standing up from their seats to hug each other, "now, we have to go because our shifts start soon," she informed, pulling away from the hug and up to the locker room where they'd be told what group is doing what.


The group of interns and residents, excluding Meredith Grey, stood in the skills lab, waiting to be given their task for the rest of the day, she stood beside Lexie both of them talking quietly to each other, distracted by whatever was going on. Their conversation was cut short when Dr Yang pulled Lexie to the side and squeezed between the two girls, staring at the door as she was doing so.

Savannah watched as a familiar red-haired man walked through the doors, the same man that had come in on the night with the women in ballgowns, the one who had stuck a pen through one of their husband's throats. Instead of his previous military attire, he was wearing the attending scrubs and a white coat.

"I'm Dr Hunt, over the next few months I will be teaching you to work quickly and efficiently to keep someone alive when the safe bet is their dead by the end of the hour," The man announced, quickly introducing himself to the room, "Now, does anyone have a problem working with live tissue?" Hunt asked them all, making Savannah and Lexie exchange confused looks, "If anyone has a problem leave now," he warned everyone, "Okay, here we go," he said pulling back the blue curtain in front of them, revealing four sedated pigs, before going through and stabbing them each in the chest.

"What the hell?" Savannah whispered under her breath, covering her mouth in shock.

"Go ahead, save their lives," Hunt instructed, looking at all of their shocked expression.

"You're a monster," Dr Stevens spoke up, looking disgusted.

"They're under, they didn't feel any pain," the man tried to reason, "ask the veterinarian," he added, moving his head back, motioning towards the woman standing behind him.

Dr Stevens continued to argue with the man for the way he had treated the animals before storming out.


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