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Season 5 x Episode 9

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Season 5 x Episode 9

In The Midnight Hour


Savannah stood in the hospital skills lab, watching as all of the other interns poked at Steve after giving him an epidural, checking to see if they had succeeded. The blonde wasn't helping them, just observing while they carried it out. Even after Dr Yang had found them out they didn't want to stop, they just tried to be more secretive about it and so far it was working, no one else knew except the interns and as far as Yang was concerned it had been shut down. Savannah knew that it was only a matter of time before they got found out by someone else, someone who would take the situation more seriously.

Savannah had zoned out from whatever else had been going on until she heard her best friend's stupid idea, an idea that would for sure get everyone in the room kicked off of their residency, "We could take out his appendix," Lexie suggested while looking as Sadie, the newest intern.

"Lexie I really don't think that's a good idea," the blonde said, stepping closer to the group.

"We can find an empty O.R. and be in and out within an hour," Sadie added, pulling on some rubber gloves.

"I'm sitting right here," Steve said from the bed, a worried expression while the other interns, other than Savannah, smiled at the idea.

"We wouldn't even have to put you under, you'd just stay on the epidural," Lexie explained, looking around the room, "the others are busy chasing solo surgeries, they aren't going to notice," she continued, referring to the residents.

"Guys, I don't think this a good idea," Savannah started, looking around at her peers, "do you realise how much trouble we'll get in if we're caught?" she asked, shaking her head at their idea.

"We won't get caught, stop being so boring," Sadie said, rolling her eyes at the girl.

"Excuse you," Savannah scoffed, sending the other woman a dirty look.

"Sav, please stay and help, you don't have to do anything, just keep a look out for us, plus you've seen an appendix being taken out before, you can make sure we're doing it right," Lexie pleaded, standing in front of her best friend. Savannah nodded hesitantly, hoping they weren't going to be caught.

"I really don't want to be the one getting operated on though," Steve said, looking around nervously.

"You guys can do it on me, as long as I get to do it on one of you after," Sadie bargained, a smirk on her face.

"Deal," Lexie accepted, the two shaking hands once they had both removed their gloves.


Savannah had been sent to grab some things that they would need for the surgery while Lexie and Sadie had gone looking for an OR that the interns could use for an hour or so. She was in the back of the supply closet grabbing the last few things she needed before turning to leave until she saw Dr Sloan standing next to the door looking through the shelves for something.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 28, 2023 ⏰

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