Chapter 4

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*knock* *knock* *knock*

"Come in"

Mile's voice rang throughout the room, making Bible, who's so into the movie snap his head towards the elder, then to the door. His curious little head wanted to know who was outside the door, but he doesn't want to miss the movie so he snaps his head from looking at Mile, at the door, to the tab and back to Mile, and so forth.

As the door opens and a figure emerges out the door, Bible quickly grabbed the tab and dashed towards Mile, hiding behind the older man and peeking from behind Mile with his eyes darting from the tab on his hands and the figure emerging from the door.

A man, dressed in a navy suit and hair parted in the middle, enters the room. His hands hold onto a folder and a tab, and he enters while looking at it. Only looking ahead once he stood in front of Mile's desk.

"Uh... Sir?"

"Yes, Pong?"

"Uh... Who's that?"

"Oh?! This is Bible, he's currently under my care"

Mile gently brings Bible out from behind him. Mile then noticed how the smaller one tensed at the presence of his secretary, so he pulls Bible to sit on his lap and wrapped his arms around the smaller frame.

Bible stares at Mile's secretary, he scans the stranger from head to toe, trying to determine if he's a threat or not. Hm...Look no scawy...

Bible then felt Mile tug on his wrist, bringing him to sit on the elder's lap. Bible doesn't hesitate to sit on Mile's lap, immediately getting himself comfortable with his arms looped around Mile's neck.

Mile puts his hand on Bible's neck, putting pressure on it, massaging it, while his other hands grab hold of Bible's waist. He focused on the bunny boy, watching him get comfortable before focusing back on his secretary Pong.


"Hm, Phi?"

"Can you greet Pong for me?"


Mile smiled as Bible turned his body towards Pong, his little hands sliding down onto Mile's arm, who now has both arms around the bunny's waist.

"Uh... H-hi... P-Phi? P-Phi Pong! I'm B-Bible!"

"Hello, Bible. I'm Pong, Nice to meet you!"

"N-Nice to meet y-you!!!"

Pong smiled at Bible and waved, his eyes going soft as he watches how Mile gently holds and talk to the man and how Bible would lean wholly into Mile, both mentally and physically. Pong then focused back on Mile, he straightened up before he then starts talking.

"Boss. Report schedule?"

"Go on"

"For today's schedule, there are a couple of paperwork that you have to go over and 2 meetings that you attend. The first meeting is held at 11 o'clock and the second will be at 3 o'clock, straight after the first meeting"

"Any breaks?"

"Unfortunately no, sir"

"... I can't leave Bible alone"

Mile pulls Bible closer to his body, hugging the hybrid close as he isn't liking much the fact that he has to leave Bible alone in his office for hours.

Pong watches Mile's face turn into a frown and how Bible brings his small hands up to Mile's face, poking at the elder's cheeks which turns Mile's frown into a soft smile. He quickly tries to think of a solution. Should I ask my boyfriend??


"Yes, Pong"

"I, uh, I can ask my boyfriend to keep Bible company"

"Tong? Will it bother him?"

"I'm pretty sure he'd be happy to help, let me call him"

"Sure, I'll talk with Bible about this"

"Okay, sir"

Mile then shifted his focus from Pong back to Bible, he adjusted the smaller man on his lap so they face each other. Mile watches the hybrid looking at him with his sparkly little eyes, soft white cheeks, and glistening lips. Mile internally melts at how adorable Bible looks, not wanting to leave the smaller one alone. He sighs before bringing his hands to Bible's cheeks, stroking the soft skin.


"Phi Mai~"

"Hmm~ Phi Mile has to say something to Bible na"


"Phi Mile is going to go to two meetings"

"M-meetings? Bib j-join?"

"Unfortunately, no. I have to leave you here, but you won't be alone. You see, Pong's boyfriend will be accompanying you"


As Bible processed the words that came out of Mile and realized that Mile would leave him alone, his grip on Mile's suit tightens. His sparkly eyes turn watery and his lips turn into a pout and soon enough fat tears flow down his eyes and hiccups punch out of him.

Seeing Bible's face drop, Mile immediately pulls the smaller one into a hug, and with that Bible burst into tears, full-on sobbing and having a tight grip on Mile, latching onto the older as if he's going to leave him.

As Bible sob on him, Mile comforts the bunny hybrid in his lap, telling him that he's only going to leave for a while and that he will come back to him. Mile rubs the smaller ones back as he whispered sweet nothings to calm the smaller one down, which works.

Mile swayed the chair they were sitting in as he keeps on whispering comforting words to the younger one when the door to his office opens.

"Sir, I've informed my boyfriend and he told me that he'll be okay with keeping Bible company"

"Oh, Okay. Please inform him to just head straight to my office once he arrives."

"Yes, sir"

And with that, Pong leaves Mile's office to text his boyfriend, leaving Mile and Bible alone. Bible has mostly calmed down but even then, he still has tears in his eyes and his lips would let out a small whimper once in a while. Mile moves his hands to Bible's face, tilting the smaller one's face to look at him.

"Bible, listen well to Phi na"

"*hiks* h-hmm"

"Phi will have his meeting, but that doesn't mean that Phi is going to leave you. While Phi is in a meeting you'll be with Phi Tong, Pong's boyfriend. Phi promises that Phi Tong is a good person and Phi promise, if Bible feels so so bad while Phi is in a meeting, Phi will come to Bible na"

"*hiks* P-pwomise?"


Feeling more reassured, Bible loops his arms around Mile and hides his face in the crook of Mile's neck, hugging the older tightly. Mile, on the other hand, lets Bible latch onto him, he moves his chair towards his desk and starts going back to his paperwork while once in a while stroking the hybrid's head and back, lulling the smaller to sleep.

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