Chapter 8

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A/N: Here's a little update to feed you guys hehehe. It's been a while since I update frequently and I'm blaming it on concerts and post-concert depression :" Also, I can't wait till I'm gonna watch Scrubb soon!!! Anyway, enjoy reading!!!

Days passed and Bible followed the older to his office, the younger liked to observe the people working at the office, he would follow around behind Mile, clutching onto the olders suit as he observed.

Pong has ended up being a subject of his observation, as the older would frequently be in contact with Mile, and since Bible is already familiar with Pong, he doesn't hesitate to ask questions on the things he's curious about and so one day, as Mile and Bible are preparing to sleep, Bible announced firmly that he's going to help Mile at the office.

"Phi Maiii"

"Yes, Bibs?"

"Tomorrow, B-Bible is going to help P-Phi Mai with o-office otay!"

"Sure thing, baby, but if you want to be able to help Phi, you have to sleep early na"

"Otay! Bibs s-sleep now!"

"Okay, good night Bibs"

"Night Night, Phi"

The two fell asleep early that night and the next day, as Mile woke from his sleep, Bible was already up and had showered, he chuckled at the younger's eagerness, got out of bed, and went towards the younger, who was looking at their closet, to pat his head before going to the bathroom. Once Mile is done with his shower, he walks out to Bible still looking for his outfit for the day.

"You're still not dressed yet, Bibs?"

"W-wait for Phi"

"You should've just gotten dressed first"

"W-want matchy matchy w-with phi Mai"

Mile chuckles at the younger before then going to the closet together finding a simple yet matching outfit. Mile ends up wearing a simple black suit while Bible wears black pants, a white shirt, a jacket, and a beanie. They aren't really wearing the same thing but they still do match. The two then went for breakfast, before then driving to Mile's office.

Arriving at the office, Bible was buzzing with excitement, with a boost of confidence, he went inside the office, holding onto Mile's hand obviously, and he would look around and grin at those who saw him and wave.

Seeing how Bible is getting more comfortable in his office, Mile can't help but look at Bible fondly. Ever since Bible visits the office for the first time, Mile works to dispel any bad rumors about the younger, getting things straight with his worker, and ever since then those who work in the office got used to Bible, a lot even look forward to seeing the younger, as Bible has become someone refreshing in the office.

Arriving at Mile's floor, Bible follows Mile out of the elevator and starts greeting everyone on the floor, which consists of only 9 people in total, who work directly under Mile. With Mile bringing Bible to the office most of the time, the workers quickly warmed up to the younger, all having a soft spot for the younger.

Bible went to each worker and greeted them good morning and informed them that he'd be helping Mile for today, earning a pat on the head, a candy, and a snack once he was done greeting everyone. Once he went around, he went to Mile's office, wanting to be hugged before doing his work for the day.

Knowing how eager Bible is for today, with his desk wide enough for two people, he added a chair next to him, having a small space for Bible to work on. Today, thankfully, Mile's works are not too hectic, no meeting only going through documents. He made sure to inform Pong that all the documents he'll be receiving today are labeled by color and not stapled.

Once Bible is in his office, he opens his arms as the younger rushes to him, proudly telling him how he greeted everyone. Mile praises the younger before starting to explain to Bible what he's going to do.

"Bible, look here. Bibs is going to sit next to Phi and help Phi okay?"


"Okay, then come sit"


"So what you have to do is, you see the folder stacked up here?"

"Y-yes, phi"

"You take them and staple them okay"

"O-okay! Bibs can d-do that!"

"Of course, I know you can! Now once you you staple it, you see this color in the front?"


"You are going to put it in this folder with the same color okay?"

"O-okay Phi!"

Mile then gives an example for Bible before letting the younger try by himself, reminding Bible to not get hurt. Seeing how Bible doesn't have any difficulties, he reminded Bible that if he has something to ask he can just ask.

The two then jump in with their work, the younger putting all his focus on his work as there are lots of files already stacking up. He made sure that he stapled everything neatly and double-checked to make sure he placed everything in the right places. This goes on until lunch break.

Once it was time for Lunch, the two decided to go to the building's cafeteria and eat there, Mile made sure that Bible was praised for his work and told him that he'll pay the younger once he was done for the day, Bible ended up hugging the older at the cafeteria. They earned looks but why would they care?

Once they finished their lunch, they headed back to Mile's office and resumed their work, this time though Mile gave Bible another task, which was to get and deliver tasks around the floor, knowing that Bible was already familiar with the worker, Mile isn't to worried of him.

Bible is excited when he finds out Mile is giving him another task, he gets excited and promises he's going to do an excellent job at his mission, Mile can only chuckle before then explaining what Bible would do.

Mile shows another stack of files before explaining what Bible has to do. He explained that Mile has arranged the files for each worker to receive and Bible can just ask him which stack is to be given to whom, he then continued that Bible should also ask Pong for files that are for him. Bible nodded before eagerly looking at Mile, wanting to start soon.

Once Bible gets a go from Mile, he starts grabbing the files, looking at Mile, and once he knows who to give it to, he immediately goes out to look for the worker, greeting them softly and telling them that he's bringing them files from his P'Mile.

Seeing how Bible is going back and forth from Mile's office to send them their files, the worker can't help but coo at the younger, telling them their thanks when he brings them their files, praising the younger and sometimes giving him small candy or snacks. As Bible went back to Mile's office, he always made sure to stop by Pong's desk to ask if there were any files for Mile.

This goes on for a couple more hours, with lots of breaks, and once it's time to finish up, Mile tasks Bible to thank everyone for their hard work and cooperation before saying goodbye, the younger happily went to each of the workers desks and express his gratitude, and when he comes to Pong he gives him a special hug.

Once Bible was back at Mile's office, they started to pack their stuff before then going out and driving home. As they are on the road, Bible soon falls asleep, and Mile can only softly smile at the younger, he knows he's exhausted but he can tell that Bible enjoys it.

Mile soon pulls up at his driveway and once he gets out of the vehicle, he goes to the passenger's side and gently opens the door, not wanting to wake the younger one up, he then carries the smaller one out and into the house.

Mile places the smaller one on their bed and goes to the bathroom, he wets a towel, before undressing the younger and wiping him off, and then dressing the younger in his pajamas. Once Bible was settled, Mile then went and showered before then joining the younger in bed with his pajamas on, falling into a slumber.

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