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Today was the day of abandoning my home. It was the day that my family and I would leave to go on a country I barely knew anything about, a country on the other side of the world, a country like 10 times bigger than mine. 

A country that I and half of the people that live on the same land as me didn't like at all. It was a country I knew I was gonna get lost in... again. It was my second time leaving to go to America, the first time we left for my much older cousins wedding, he lived in America with his family and his new family [Him and his wife].

I was at home packing everything knowing I wasn't going to come back for a really long time. I packed clothes, shoes, toiletries and a teddy bear and a school shirt that all my friends had signed and my teachers, along with that was photo frames, lots and lots of photo frames. I didn't have a phone so that was probably the only thing I needed while I'm gone.

"Maria!!" I heard my voice and turned my head towards the door hearing footsteps coming up the stairs. Revealing my Dad as he walked the rest of the way up and to my door. He looked at me and signalled me to get up, I got up and stepped slowly to him. 

"I'm not coming, with you" I looked at him straight in the eye showing a sign of confusion, 

"Why??" I said stuttering. 

"Look... I can't go, I'm a bit sick..." He said. 

I could hear his voice cracking, I wasn't surprised he was getting even more sick every single day, then an indescribable feeling happened and somehow my eyes became blurry and ponds of water began to grow in my eyes and what felt like raindrops decided to drip down the side of my cheek. 

"But when will I-" My voice was stumbling over each word I said, then he pulled me into a hug and he shushed me trying to calm me down. What felt like hours was just me crying my eyes out into my father's chest as he stroked my head and kissed my forehead.

. . . . . ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ . . . . .

We were at the airport and my face were becoming a bit red from all that fake crying. I was about to walk off and disappear with the rest of my family if it wasn't for Camilia sending love letters with her eyes with her boyfriend Kai. 

But then I heard someone call my name and I dramatically whipped my head hitting my face really hard with my hair, I looked around to see my cousin Keli and ran straight towards her as we both jumped on each other, crying in each shoulder, real tears. Promising each other to never forget the other person. 

I gain the courage to move on, so I push my myself away from the hug and proceeded to walk away from my the other people that love me. I walk side Camil, I look up at her and she looks down at me as she opens her arms I run emotions through her. 

I wanted to go but with everyone, including my Dad, especially my Dad. My sister side-hugs me as we walk with the rest of my family crew and walk the stair up to aeroplane and sit in our rows. 

We lifted off the ground and my eyes followed the road trails till they disappeared as the clouds washed us away to a different view and I shut my eyes sleeping almost that entire flight.

We had finally made it to the U.S after about 12-14 hrs. When I tell you that this flight took as long as a squirrel's deep sleep I meant it.

We got off the plane and was waiting for our bags inside the airport, one after another bags kept showing up and about.

I was looking around for my bag, then I ran into someone I looked up because the person was way taller than me, I see... it was... a... it was a female, my sister.

My sister Carmen to be exact she had my bag and was trying to look for me. I snatched the suitcase off of her then ran as fast as flash did whenever he could afford a date, anyways I ran because I knew if I stayed she would've slapped my attitude, gratitude and entire soul out of my body and onto to the person next to me.

We finally made it, I had finally made it. We made it to a meeting area. Everyone walked inside amazed at the set up. My brothers and sisters were discussing on whether they would go home or stay with me and Mum, while they were talking one of my sisters Carmen walked next to me as we went exploring through out this ginormous, spacious hotel it was much bigger and nicer than what we had back at home but just by a little bit.

"Woah..." Both of us whispered to each other in complete amazement. Carmen walking backwards to take a look at the whole view.

"Oww!" I turned to my sister who was rubbing the back of her while quietly whimpering then a fixated figure began to be the focus of my eyes.

As soon as I saw their face I died and I wish I actually did. My eyes began to show my view clearer which made me gasp seeing that how Carmen stood next to this really tall boy with a dark hazel brown type of hair colour and again... light hazel eyes. (Sound familiar?)

. . . . . ⋇⊶⊰❣⊱⊷⋇ . . . . .


Hi, I'm seeing how many people view each chapter but I don't know if anyone reads, like actually goes through the whole book so if you are reading till this chapter can you please at least comment it would really make my day.

Anyways I haven't seen Scream 6 yet and I've been spoiled so many times and I was watching No. 5 the other day and how Sam stabbed Richie like fifty times and my brother snitched on me for watching because my younger sister was watching and my Mum said that I might become a serial killer one day, but what I'm actually telling you is that when I watch the movie that I might do a story on that.


𝒟𝑒𝓈𝓉𝒾𝓃𝑒𝒹 𝒢𝒶𝓂𝑒 (𝒥𝒶𝒸𝓀 𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓂𝓅𝒾𝑜𝓃 𝓍 𝒪𝒞)Where stories live. Discover now