Ex-Admiral Yamato

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as she was swimming she gets into something like a trance where she would swim in whatever direction her body decides and she would be less aware of her surroundings


<2.7km NW>

"Captain, base has reported some anomalies near the South East region and ordered us to check it" a navy officer of lower class says. "hmm... an anomaly? like what? a mirror sea?" the captain asks after thinking a bit. "uhh... it's not a mirror sea but I guess it's something close since they stated that it's something the satellites can't perceive" the navy officer gave an answer

"okay then go to the designated location the base sent... I have a weird feeling about this... hope it isn't them" the captain said whilst having a flashback about near the end of the war when a 1700's sail warship was spotted and still today it was never known who it is since it was sunk after thinking it was the enemy

<back to MC>



*bote spotted and is most likely a Y-class Type-23 HS Escort Destroyer/Frigate of the Royal Japanese Navy (basically the JMSDF but IJN)*


waita minute

'I feel like something is wrong' though Yama. after a few second she felt a presence behind her and she knew well what it is... 'ah fuck a frigate sized naval vessel!!' she quickly turned and swam as fast as possible to clear away from the frigate and when she saw it she confirmed it is a frigate and is a large one at that but because she was too late she got sucked in to the negative pressure zone at the side of the frigate which was going at 20knt and she is now pressed at the hull. 'ahrghh god dammit!!! please don't get sucked onto the propeller!!!!' her wished fell on deaf ears as she was later sucked in and get chopped... thankfully her neck broke first so she didn't felt much pain other than a blade of a prop hitting her neck

"captain something hit our propellers!!!" one of the officers said. "what? shouldn't we already saw it?" "no it was either too small or it was on one of our blind spots!!" the officer replied. "check the stern and see what it was!!" the captain hurriedly ordered because he remembered that one of his friend decided to have some break near this area and he didn't want it to be them but well it has been done so yeah she died




"we found a human remain and a bag which somehow was able to not get hit" the officer said with a worried face and voice. "damn... do we know who it is?" the captain now felt something really bad because he could be charged quite the fine and prison time and also the victim could be his best friend which was in the navy and is a great swimmer. "we checked and it seems like..." the officer stopped and looked at the captain who was now has a very concerned and pale face. "continue..." the captain slowly said. "it is ex-admiral Yamato Isoroku...." the officer said with a now more sad voice and face since she was a great young admiral in the war. "I guess she truly did get her wish..." the captain said since one of her death wishes is to be killed by a warship and well it has been fulfilled...



Kara, David, Alice and Haily was surprised when an active duty frigate stopped near them and radioed them if they knew Yamato Isoroku is

'did she got into an accident when she was swimming?!' Kara worriedly thought. after she finished her thought a well built and handsome guy dressed in an admiral clothing of the RJN jumped out of the frigate and onto the yacht

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