Land Vacation

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"so uhh... what is this level up stuff??" Yamato asks Yama since well as I said before she's a 90 something years old battleship that has been in the abyss of the underwater world for most of her time. "well... uhh.." Yama tries her best to explain then she remembered that she still have guests "anyway we still have people to talk, ask and explain"

"okay~" Yamato just leaves the level thing to Yama her beloved because she only wants to shoot her guns at enemy targets at longer distances

[mini timeskip]

"so could you tell me who those guys were?" Yama now sitting on a barrel on Kurk's ship

"uhmm you said their prefix is IRS right?"


"well..." Kurk thinks on how to explain his country's situation to a woman who is interested in resting and destroying ships

[Explanation Skip]

"so you're country is fighting a nation that is weaker and is very annoying since they just know what you're doing... and it also has a back up of a powerful nation that always supports a war indirectly?" Yama asks Kurk

"yeah basically that... and that's why I want your help to destroy their navy into oblivion so we can at least not worry about supplies" Kurk pleads the Admiral to help him and his country to wipe the enemy's navy

"okay I'll think about it after seeing your country and all it's might... if not I'll just be here and there on the sea" after thinking for a while Yama decided to check the Empire of Frieden and then see if it is good enough to be helped

'Yamato we're going on a land trip' Yama basically radios Yamato and tells her about the trip to check and see if they should be helped 'okay Yama-chan~'

"so uuhmm... how do we dock? or do we just sit near the coast?" Yama asks Kurk since she doesn't know if she should temporarily beach Yamato or what

"well thankfully we have a large water stream that could fit your ship near our port. people doesn't use that place since it is flowing too fast and well there's nothing to dock to" Kurk explains to Yama and Yama sighs in relief that she can dock Yamato somewhere good and not have to deal with some other things she didn't want plus the river or canal or whatever tf the water stream is can hide the ship

[Time Skip]

"Yama look!!" Yamato calls Yama because she can finally see the port and city they're going on a trip to. "well that's a pretty big city.. can't beat Tokyo though... why did they made it bigger??" Yama now asks the new PM of Japan and reality itself. "wait what??? they made Tokyo bigger?" Yamato was in awe with her mother's decision. "yeah I still don't understand shit" Yama answers the awed Yamato with her honest self opinion on Japan and Yamato just chuckles a bit

"*scheekz* Admiral Yama please follow the EN Ghotthemburg to the river for anchoring. the Ghotthemburg and 2 more ships will be nearby for safety precautions *scheeekzz*" Kurk radioed Yama with a magical device that is just an overly complicated radio. "*beep* got that Admiral Kurk *beep*" Yama answers Kurk simply and then follows the Ghotthemburg as two new smaller sailboats join in

[Le Time Skip Hon Hon Hon]

"aaannndd there we go... RELEASE THE ANCHORR!!"


*anchor dropping noises*

"I will never understand women" damn Kurk I know you feel weird but those two are weird

"okay *beep* Kurk I'm done anchoring. can you send your smaller ship near my bow so that I can just hop off and hopefully land without breaking the deck *beep*"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 28, 2023 ⏰

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