Searching for a place

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City of Kremlin

1020 Military time

*knock knock knock*

"come in"


"yes? what report do you have soldier?"

"one of our scout ships spotted a large unidentified naval vessel with unusual design at 0800 near the east side of the Hearthy Sea!"

"do we know of any navy possessing such ship?"

"no sir! the ship also seemed to carry large cannons so it is most likely a warship and it doesn't have any sails yet we didn't get any magic signature of any Magic Boiler Engines either but it has something akin to a large smokestack"

"interesting... is it a monster of sort then?"

"no sir! we got no such signature of a large magical beast of any sort but we did get two signature of sort. one of them matches that of a spirit but we do not know what type and how strong and the other is a human but it is unsure since the spirit is messing up our reading" "the ship also is covered with magic barriers but is seems like a weak one"

"I see... ready up one of our large cruiser and armoured cruiser! we will see if the ship is an enemy or a foe... especially with the war closing in with the Ludvig country"

"Understood Captain!! I will excuse myself now"

"Interesting... a large weird naval vessel with two crews... hmm? it is estimated at around 270m long?! now that's something new... only the demons have created something close at 230m..."

|Back at the IJN Yamato a few hours prior|

"phew... seems like our first contact isn't weird.." Yamato says after the scout boat ran away to report it's finding

"what do you mean not weird? the damn ship is already weird enough for this era ye know?" Yama was also relived that the first ship they were found with was a scout and isn't an Ironclad which could fight and make some troubles which both of them didn't want any. "anyway I'm going to make some flags just because idk wtf I should do.... I'm very much so bored and it's better to make use of these modern knowledge"

*one hour later of flag making and experimenting on the mast*

'okay.. should I put Japan's flag? yeah that's a definite yes... but which?' Yama is at the mast and is thinking what flag she is supposed to put

"Yamato what version of Japan's flag should I put? the war time or peace time?"

"peace time for now~" Yamato says with a happy tone as she is drinking green tea on top of the 3rd Tri-15.5cm turret

"okay!.. hmm... guess I should put this here.. uhuh... nah.. hmm.. yeah that works perfectly!" as she finished talking a screen pop out of nowhere and scaring the shit out of Yama and made her almost fall from her barrier that she made as a platform. "wuaah!!! I almost fell... phew.."

"are you okay Yama-chan?" Yamato heard Yama's scream so she asked if she is hurt or anything

"I am fine! I only got scared to shit by this notification here"

"oh okay~ be careful up there, we still don't know how durable our physical body is" Yamato reminded Yama that they did not know how durable and how powerful their physical body is yet

"okay okay... sheesh she is such a worrywart at times... just like a mother hehe~"

"anyway what is this notification?"

[Successfully installed an automatic flag switcher]

"huh interesting... hm?" after she read the notification and dismissing it she felt a presence on the north east side and so she checked with her magic to zoom in and then she saw two sailboats. one of them is the scout previously seen and the other seems to be an auxiliary ship of some type.

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