First Battle

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after introducing each other and their intent the girls then make a table and three chairs to sit and talk a bit. the 1st and 2nd chair is for Yama and Yamato whilst the 3rd is for Captain Kurk. the crew from the Ghotthemburg watched as their captain and two beautiful and tall woman talk with him about some things. also the captain has a few bodyguards. "so may I know what navy is the Royal Japanese Navy and is this battleship from said navy? also how is a spirit able to posses a battleship this large?" Captain Kurk bombards Yama with questions since his curiosity is at his peak. "we-well slow down a bit... okay so first the Royal Japanese Navy is the navy of Japan and is one of the three military factions that have naval vessels, the two others are the Royal Japanese Self-Defense Force (RJSDF) and the Royal Japanese Coast Guard (RJCG)." Yama tries her best to explain the RJN at it's most basic level. "hm? Japan? I have never heard of such country." Captain Kurk is intrigued in this new country he just heard. "well yes you most likely wouldn't have ever heard of such country because it isn't in the map you will ever see. why? well it is best to leave it at that" Yama tries her best to change the topic by burying it. "uhhh... sure.." Captain Kurk saw this as intriguing since a country not in the map basically means the country is fake but here we are on a ship from said country and there is no other country with enough power and resources to create such big ship

"anyway the second answer to your question. yes and no this battleship isn't from the RJN since it predates it plus that was like idk around 100 years ago?"

"yeah around that long" Yamato finally see the time to speak since Yama has been either cutting her off or just leaving her in the conversation. "oh... ooohhh... so how old are you Lady Yamato? since you are the spirit of this battleship" Captain Kurk asked Yamato since a ship 100 years old and is still this good looking? now that's something interesting (there's rarely any ships to in a museum especially a warship since in the 16th-18th century people don't really care about them) also because of the fact that there's a battleship that has been possed by a spirit. "well I am as old as the ship is.. I was born when the ship's keel was laid down. this is the same with my sisters and truthfully I've only had this humanoid body just recently. I always has considered the battleship as my body and still does" Yamato explains a bit about herself to Captain Kurk and Yama since Yama too doesn't know when did the old soul of the battleship materializes. "hmm? if that applies to your sisters does that work too with USS Constitution or USS Iowa?" Yama is intrigued with this revelation. "hm? yes it does applies to them too.. but I don't know much for smaller ships or if they need to have someone or something to make them have their own soul or spirit" even if she only had lived for a few years during those time she had consumed a lot of knowledge because her connection to the Spirit of Yamato (Spirit of Japan basically) and her connection to the sea as the Empress of The Seas. "USS Constitution? USS Iowa? are those also warships of the RJN" Captain Kurk was even more intrigued. "well no since those are from the United State's Navy or USN for short. Yamato here however is from the Imperial Japanese Navy or IJN for short and is the predecessor of the JMSDF AND is the predecessor to the RJN... well not really but also yes technically.. I don't want to remember the hours I spent learning why the Royal Japanese Military was created..." Yama explains her best and also cries in suffering as she remembers the 40 pages long book on about why the RJM was created and why the JSDF still exist to this day. "there there, you don't need to remember all about mother's decision. because I never did... DAMN YOU FUCKING USELESS ASS GREEDY FUCKERS!!! YOU MADE THE IMPERIAL JAPAN FALL BECAUSE OF YOUR GREED FOR WAR!!!!" Yamato patted Yama's head as she, like a mother, reassures her daughter that everything will be okay. and then curses the people who made the Imperial Japan fall because of their greed, stupidity and non-knowledgeable brain. yes I simp Admiral Isoroku Yamamoto and also IJN Yamato. also everyone was shocked because suddenly this motherly and nice looking foxgirl swears like an old woman which she definitely is "oh I'm sorry but I still am annoyed and angry at those fuckers". "you don't need to be like that Yamato! they truly should've died earlier because of their misdeed and stupidity!!" Yama is also with Yamato on the fact that those Pro-war politicians should die. I'm also with them

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