Chapter Four: Mate or Not

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Ivy's POV:
I woke up to find my self on my bed not on the floor. I look on the floor and saw my cousin there with covers on her. I stretched and remembered yesterday. I said "Belle"in my head and she said "yeah". I asked "what are we" and she said "what do you mean". I said "I mean how can I turn into a white tiger" and she said "because we are a werecat,which are very rare". I stopped the thought and lightly stepped over my cousin. She is my teacher,and she goes by her first name. The kids don't know only I do. Her name is Raven Sarah Taylor. She is 16 except she graduated early. My foot got stuck and I almost fell,but I caught myself halfway. Raven woke up and said "what are you doing" and I said "I almost fell,but I caught myself". She laughed and helped me,so I wouldn't fall again. She looked at her phone and said "shit Dylan texted me 20 times he must be so worried". I laughed and said "where is Dylan" and she said "he is with my brother and they must be worried". I said "I found out we are werecats so does that mean Dylan is you mate or not". She giggled them said "of course he is and Xavier is your". I said "he is not mine" and she said "if you act like this your cat might try to force you to be Xavier's. Also if you don't let any of that happen you,your cat,and even Xavier will fall into depression,so it's best that you be his". I said "why" and she said "he is your mate or is he not. Did Belle say mate when you touched", I sighed and said "yeah". She said "that is awesome". I heard my phone go off and realized it must be on the roof. I went to grab it,but I almost fell. Raven caught me and said "let me get it clumsy". I mumbled "bitch" and Raven said "I heard you. Now is that how you treat someone who is getting your phone". She laughed and said "let's go we are going to be late for school". I said "fuck my backpack must of fallen off when I ran into Xavier and I am not going out there for at least a day". Raven laughed and said "I will get it and I will meet you at school. Bye". I said "bye cuz". She growled,but took off running to the forest as fast as a cheetah. My cat said "yeah well duh she is a cheetah" and I said "really that is amazing. I guess we start walking to hell". She laughed at my reaction.

Authors Note
This was 470 words not including the authors note yay.

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