The youngboy named "Jomilo Joestar"

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure -State of the Art!
<---The young boy named "Jomilo Joestar" --->

-! I don't own the series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki does.I don't own any of the characters beside the ones I made myself.This story is fanmade.Giving all the credits to Hirohiko Araki and the Artist we got the stand names from( credit for the song names/artist will appear at the end of this story!
Art by Mikko @mountainOfsugar
*I'm really sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes as English is not my first language*

*creator's note: I did some research and found that summer vacation in Thailand is only 14 days, so we took US vacation (because our story takes place during summer vacation)*


July 19, 1956

I know I'm not one of them. I'm not a Joestar and I know it.
Even though my last name is the same as theirs, I could never feel the connection they feel among each other. The Joestars are connected by their star birthmark. All upcoming Josetars will also feel this connection, the connection that I could never feel.
Grandfather Joseph once told me about the star birthmark and that his grandfather had it too.
But not only because of that I don't feel connected to any of them, Grandfather Joseph also told me that all the Joestars had a bizarre adventure where they fought for justice and peace, but I never experience anything bizarre in my life.
I know a lot can happen, I'm only 15 after all, but since my mother was adopted by the Joestars, I'm "one of them" too.

Well, my "story" is pretty simple to be honest, our father left us when I was six years old, just when my little sister yua turned 2 months old. Although I was never really sad that dad left, I knew our mom was, she said he was the first person she ever truly loved, but she was never mad at us because our dad left.
One good thing was that mom would never think of dad when she looked at me because I inherited my looks from my mom, that's why I look so feminine.
Not even the color of my hair or skin resembles my father's, the only thing I have  from him is his eye color, which is blue.
I have my mother's light brown hair and it's quite long so I wear it tied up most of the time. I look totally like a girl and that's why I wear girl's clothes.
I tried wearing boy's clothes as well, but I didn't look good in any of them, so I stuck to girl's clothes. My outfit consists mainly of a crop top, any kind of long jeans that I usually roll up in the summer and sometimes a belt. Because my belly was always visible, I got a tattoo on it, it was a clef, but there was no meaning behind it, I just thought it was pretty.

Since our father left us, our mother has worked pretty hard, she was never home, but I can't blame her.
Because our mother was always away from home I did the housework but I never complained about the work as I knew mom works harder than me. I have always taken care of my sister, so we have built a good relationship.
But then I got into school and school was from 8:30am to 3:30pm, so I was always coming home late. Those times were pretty stressful, but everything changed when my mom quit her job and took a job where she could be home during the day but worked at night. I once told her that I didn't feel part of the Joestar family, and then she shared everything she knew about the Joestar family.
And I have to be honest, I got tired of hearing the Joestars story over and over again.
But that changed when I heard about the Zeppeli generation, grandfather Joseph also once told me that all previous Zeppeli's had sacrificed themselves for the future of the Joetsar family, he had also told me that the Zeppelis trained the Joestars to learn "Hamon" he said that trough the use of controlled 'breathing, the user can fill their body and attacks with sunlight energy.
I really admire the Zeppeli's for their strong will and passion to fight till their death.
But still, I just can't imagine anyone sacrificing themselves for someone they barely know.
If someone would do something like that, it means that they really deserve to proudly wear their family's title. And ever since Grandpa Joseph told me about the Zeppeli's, I've been dying to know more about them.

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