Fate changes a lot

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure -State of the Art!
<--- Fate changes a lot --->

-! I don't own the series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki does.I don't own any of the characters beside the ones I made myself.This story is fanmade.Giving all the credits to Hirohiko Araki and the Artist we got the stand names from( credit for the song names/artist will appear at the end of this story! 

*I'm really sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes as English is not my first language*

Have fun and we hope you enjoy this Chapter!

(Jomilo P.O.V) July 21, 1956 9:40 PM

"Yes? What's up, Jojo?" Aurellia said. Now it's my turn to speak. "I want to ask if we could meet up after school. I wanted to talk with you about your family, but you are always so busy at school." I don't even know why I was so excited to ask that, maybe because I had never met up with anyone before.

"Yes, sure. How about we meet up at 'Midnight Stargaze café? I've never been there, but I wanted to try it out at least once. I'll pay, of course, since I'm the one inviting you guys. She explained in a calm voice, and she is even paying, but she is rich anyway, it wouldn't bother her. "Thank you, see you later." I needed to get away as quickly as possible before Fateh would've gotten mad or something. I hope he doesn't mind me being there, too. I don't know why, but I am kind of excited.

The bell rings, hat means that the last class period just ended, and that also means that I'll meet up with Aurellia and Fateh now.
When I walked out of the class, I saw both of them waiting for me. Couldn't they just wait outside? "Hey Jojo! Over here." Aurellia said, waving at me as if I hadn't seen her.
Fateh doesn't seem happy to see me, but he knows he isn't allowed to say anything mean to me.

I know we will get along someday because we don't really have another choice. "Hey, you guys," I said in a friendly tone. Saying nothing, they turned around, heading to the exit.
Couldn't they just wait for me? Ah, well, maybe I should just follow them.

As I arrived outside, I saw them waiting for me. I headed towards them and saw them talking with each other. "Ah, good that you're here. Lucky, the café isn't that far away, so we don't have to walk that much."Aurellia said, "Yes, it took you long enough to get here." Fateh commented, and as he did so, Aurellia gave him a stare that said: "If you don't shut up, I'll beat your ass." Well, at least that's what it seemed like. "So, shall we get going now?" I asked them.

I don't want to stand here in that already awkward silence any longer. "Yes, let's go," Aurellia said, already moving forward. We finally arrived after 20 minutes. The café is big; I am sure it's the biggest café here in Chiang Mai, and from just one look, you can see that there are many people, so we have to hope that we find a place to sit.

Aurellia headed inside just the moment we arrived. "I found a place to sit!" she yelled, almost screaming.
I really don't get why she is so motivated. Fateh and me walked over to her and sat down in our seats. "Let's wait until' the waitress arrives to take our order," Fateh said.
While we waited, I noticed that the boy from my class, Eislyn, was sitting on a table with a woman who was happily drinking her coffee while listening to him, who was writing lots of stuff down.

The lady seems nice and friendly, even if a bit stressed.
She seemed to notice that I looked at her, and she gave me a kind smile.
The lady stood up and came over to our table. "Do you want to order anything?" she asked with a smile on her face.

"Yes, please!" Aurellia said. "Alright, I'll get the menu for you," the young lady told us as she turned around, heading towards the kitchen.
I want to know what that lady has to do with Eislyn, maybe she is his sister.
It couldn't be, right? They really don't look alike at all.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 02, 2023 ⏰

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