Extra Story (Canon) Trip to the Zoo

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(This is a story, i wrote to my best friend the second writer on her birthday back in 03.06.2023)

                               Trip to the Zoo

Saturday, 3th June

After researching for a lot of stuff we all decided its good to do a little break once in a while. Fateh really came up with the idea to go to the zoo.. I mean, is he like having childhood issues??? Well, it seems like everyone didn't mind, so i shouldn't be pissed off because of it.

We are supposed to meet up at 1:30 PM, but Aurellia said she has to take a train that arrives at 1:50 PM. Somehow that's weird, because i know one train arrives at 1:35 PM. Now im stuck here with ???, Fateh and the little silly boy Eislyn. I still can't get over the fact that he looks more female then me, thats almost like impossible. Fateh is sitting next to Eislyn right now, because Eislyn is showing him lots of notes he wrote down some days ago. Eislyn really seems to enjoy writing stuff like that, but not to mention Fateh seems to enjoy his notes too, because he didn't say anything mean yet and has a smile on his face. Perhaps he has a nice day or something. ??? seems to be really busy, since she is sitting down next to their bench of eislyn and fateh drawing some sketches while looking at Eislyn. ??? tells me everyday, that Eislyn is really a born-to-be model, because of his unique female looks. Well, it seems like the train arrived. Aurellia comes out of the train with lots of packages, its almost like its someone's birthday (you get the reference ;) ).

,,Hellooo my best friends of all time, i all gotcha something!" she said. She handed everyone one package, well actually a present. She told Eislyn to open up his first, i don't know why that was important, but i seem to understand now. It was the best Camera that you could get right now, which was really expensive. He also got a brand new Note Book with written on "Eislyns Journal". Eislyn started to hug Aurellia so tight, it was almost like Aurellia couldn't breathe anymore. He started to repeat the words "Thank you!" all over. "Ahahaha, it's fine Eislyn, that's like nothing for me, also i know you wanna be a Journalist one day, so i thought u might need this to practice even more!" Everyone was smiling, except for Fateh. He was patiently waiting for his turn, so he could finally open up his present. It looked like his whole life depended on that present, but Aurellia told him to open up his present afterwards. In there were football shoes. Fateh said: "thanks." Wow, lots of emotion as always, but on his face you could read that he was hella happy. He should take some therapy still, his addiction to football cannot be healthy. ??? now opened her gift, it was something i didn't even know that it existed, but ??? had literally stars in her eyes and said "Thank you so much Aurellia!" Now it was my turn. I hope it something useful for the future researches. Well uhm.. it actually was not. It was a T-Shirt with a pictures of us together with written: "I love my friends". Fateh laughed at me, but i don't mind. I feel like this gives us even more connection and i like the shirt. It's a big memory. Obviously, i also said "Thank you".

After everyone finished opening up his presents, we straight went to the zoo. It was a big one, the most expensive one in the city. Aurellia really has lots of money, if she can spoil us everyday with stuff like this. I hope she never thinks that we are using her, because of the amount of money she has. Eislyn and ??? wanted to see the monkeys first, but Fateh did not want to. Me and Aurellia didn't mind where we go, so we went to the monkeys first. Everything seemed fine, Eislyn took lots of pictures of the monkeys and wrote down some stuff too, but then a monkey somehow got out of his cage and started running up to Fateh. The monkey climbed up to his head and licked his face. Fateh started to scream like a child, no one helped him, not even Eislyn even though he usually wants to help everyone. Instead, he took loooots of photos of Fateh with the monkey and started to laugh alot. After that, Eislyn and Aurellia got up and helped him to get the monkey off. It was kinda funny, everyone laughed because of it, even me.

This really starts great, i feel like this couldn't get any better. "Wait.. where the hell is Eislyn?!!!! I THINK WE LOST OUR CUTE LITTLE BOY EISLYN!!!" Aurellia and ??? said. Everyone panicked, because we know he got lost, because he paid lots of attention to the camera and pictures he do make. We started to look everywhere, he was not to be found. Aurellia and ??? started to cry, because they thought that he died because some animal might have thought that he is their food because of his height. When i tell you, he was the whole time with us, would you believe me?  He was on a bench behind us, behind a bush. Aurellia and ??? went to straight up to him and continued to cry while hugging him tightly.
We went to lots of cages of animals. Aurellia, Fateh and Me stayed calm, while on the other hand Eislyn and ??? couldn't stop being that excited. They both took lots of notes/sketches, while thinking of great ideas. What a true team, they say. After awhile, everyone got hungry. Aurellia bought us some food and drinks so we ate it. It really was delicious for everyone, you could tell by the smile. Fateh suddenly stood up and yelled: "WE WILL PLAY FOOTBALL NOW!! AURELLIA, EISLYN YOUR ON MY TEAM!! ??? AND JOMILO YOU BOTH ARE GONNA LOSE!!!" Fateh really took a football with him. We all decided its for the best if we play with him, otherwise he would be pissed off. It didn't went great. Fateh tried to pass the ball to Eislyn and it landed on his face, which made his nose bleed. Aurellia got straight up and used a tissue to his nose while calming Eislyn down. He didn't cry, but he looked like he was about to cry. ??? and Fateh started to argue about whether it was his fault or not.

It kinda destroyed the mood. Everyone actually went home, giving Fateh the fault, except for Aurellia. She thought of it as an accident, which could happen to anyone. Eislyn also didn't think that it was his fault, but he didn't feel like talking anymore with anyone. Junta came to pick him up and went home with him. Junta really is a nice lady! Aurellia and Fateh went home together, while ??? and me both went home on our own. Even if it happened to be a great day, it turned to be one of the worst days for our friendship.

Fateh went to everyone's house the next day, so he could apologise. That's when you notice, not everyone is that though how they say they are. Everyone has a soft and bright side, which shows everytime they make a mistake and feel bad. Afterwards we all decided to meet up again, but at Junta's Café. We all wrote and drew on a piece of Paper. It was very beautiful. Obviously ??? drew the most and Eislyn wrote the most stuff, but we are all happy anyways. The Paper was for someone special, it was for the other Author of State of Art, which created their lifes and they are very grateful for it. They wish you a really good birthday and hope you enjoy your birthday! They will never forget how you even made that whole story to happen and will thank you for eternity. HAPPY BIRTHDAYYYY!!!

Creator's Note:
Thank you all for the support in the past months, i know we haven't been posting since 2-3 Months, because we've both been struggling with School and Irl issues, which gave us pretty much no motivation writing the next part, we will try making more for now but since the next part isn't finished yet, i can atleast give you all a canon event from the group, but who's ??? ?  Find out in the next chapters coming soon! We love you all! <3

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