Did my luck ran out?

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Jojo's Bizarre Adventure -State of the Art!
<--- Did my luck run out? --->

-! I don't own the series Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, Hirohiko Araki does.I don't own any of the characters beside the ones I made myself.This story is fanmade.Giving all the credits to Hirohiko Araki and the Artist we got the stand names from( credit for the song names/artist will appear at the end of this story!
Art by Mikko @mountainOfsugar
*I'm really sorry if there are any grammatical or spelling mistakes as English is not my first language*

20, july 1956
4:00 A.M

I'm not usually excited or anything about a school day as I have to go there because it's my duty, but today was very different.
Though I wasn't excited because it was a whole new school or because all the other new students were there. For me it was exciting because of "Aurellia Zeppeli", although it's a rather unusual reason why I want to meet her, I want to know more about her family and her Family's story. That's why I'm going to look for her today. From what I've heard the school is quite big and there are many classrooms, but no matter how hard it will be for me to find her, I won't give up until I have my answers.

Although my only thought for the past 24 hours has been finding Aurellia, I still haven't thought of the questions I want to ask her. I know that in general I just want to ask her about her family, but I think this question would be too general. I might sound like a creep when I ask her that question, but being named things has never stopped me from my goals. Two years ago this probably would have bothered me, I learned to keep calm and not let other people's words ruin me from a boy named "Eislyn", he's probably in my class now too. It's like destiny that he was always in the same class as me, even after we switched buildings and classes he was always in the same class as me. I'm not friends with him, and I don't think I ever could've be. Ever since I first saw him, it was rumored that he killed his mother, but despite that, he never let that get himself down. And I wanted to archive that too. I don't know if the rumor is real, but I don't think I even want to know. So I wonder how Aurellia is like, maybe we get along really well and become friends. The good thing is that since I'm not a real Joestar, her Zeppeli fate probably won't be the same. I just hope she answers my questions, it will be a bit strange for a random person to just ask her about her family, but I just have to try and even if I have to try over and over again, I won't give up that's for sure.

It's 6am and I still haven't slept an hour yet, school and the searching will begin at 8:30am. I received a message yesterday in which they informed us where our classroom's are, but they only wrote in what class I was in, so there was no way for me to find out where Aurellia's classroom is. Its late already maybe I should go to sleep. Normally I wouldn't care to wake up a bit later but today I have to wake up my sister so I will have to stand up early.

I wake up to my alarm clock ringing, even though I wake up to this loud noise every day, it still scares me to death i just can't get used to it. My mother told me yesterday, that I should bring my sister to school, since she had to take a morning shift today. First i had to pack my stuff up and dress myself with the brand new uniform. When I went to my sisters room, she was just laying there. Didn't the alarm clock wake her up as usual? I came nearer as she grabbed my hand. " Please.. promise u won't tell mother.. I think I have a fever.. " she coughed. "She already has enough trouble, I don't want her to be stressed out even more." I stand there just staring at her. I told her she doesn't need to worry about me telling mom. I love my mother too and only want the best for her. Still, I asked her if she needed anything to get better.  She only told me to go to school already, to my friends that wait for me.

As i went out, i remembered what she said "Friends". Well I never really was able to make any friends especially because we moved our buildings so often. It never really bothered me though, I know that my classmates never really liked me, but I also didn't like them. But now that I am in a completely new school and class I maybe should look for some too. Maybe Aurellia even wants to be friends with me.

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