The Situation of State of The Art

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Hello People! Since we already got asked when we are going to release the next chapter, i thought i might tell you the situation of both of us in real life. I know, many people have summer holidays right now and are calming down from school stress, but we both are still going to school for like 1-2 weeks? Our school ends next wednesday, thats when we are finally getting our summer holidays. Sadly, we are also only getting 5 weeks and a few days, its less then what most of the countries are getting. In the past few weeks, we have been very stressed, because of the up-coming exams we had to write. After those exams, me who is writing this right now was in London for a whole week, while my best friend still was in Germany. Which means, I couldn't really help to write the story and neither could we discuss our ideas to make the final product. Its not like, we did nothing. We are about 50-70% finished already, but we are begging for your guys patience <3. We are also trying to confirm a date for each month, so you guys know when we are uploading the next chapter. It would be the same day each month, but we don't know which day we are doing. Some extra details we want to mention:

We are currently trying to complete the whole group, for a good reason. I used to write a chapter for my best friend's birthday, the other writer. When all characters are in the group, we are surely releasing the chapter! It's a cute one, i promise.

We also have our story's end planned, but not what happens clearly on their journey. Her and I can promise, that the story won't end soon. It will take some while, maybe even some years since we are not trying to rush the whole story. We are hoping that you guys understand, that it was a rough phase in the last couple days.

We will try to upload and work more on the story, when we have finally our summer holidays.

We hope you guys can stay patience and healthy!

Have a great day!!

State of the Art (Fanmade Jojo Part)Where stories live. Discover now