Chapter 4 : Body follows Mind

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Your mindset is everything. Every time you compete Or train or mentally prepare you must be mindful and focused on just the task at hand nothing else. You hear nothing, you see nothing , you feel nothing. The only things that matter are, you going hard and you doing whatever it takes to conquer what it is your doing. Worry about the pain later, reach your goal first. Have you ever watched a track meet and seen the guy that was in last place put in extra gear toward the end and ended up in first place? That is a perfect example of how your mind tells your body what to do. Let's say for instance that the very same runner told himself that he is tired and couldn't catch up in his head a couple of meters back he would have lost the race. The mind is the strongest muscle in the body. To be elite you must work out your mind just as much as you do your body. People always say muscle memory is key but mental memory of the movement, the task, the environment of the completion, you just being able to see it mentally is key. Let me elaborate, close your eyes, and try and repeat whatever movement or sport-specific action you've been practicing. Now open your eyes and stand still and do it in your head a couple of times. You must be able to see it in your head first as well as all the different scenarios that come along with your sport for you to be great! The athlete who is mentally and physically prepared trumps the athlete who's just physically prepared. 90 percent mental and 10 % physical. Be Unstoppable mentally.

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