Chapter 7: I know my End Goal.

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Never forget why you do what you do. Understanding your end goal and where you want to go in life after sports helps you make short and long-term goals to reach your end goals. I am currently in the process now of making a short end long-term goals so that there is no doubt my future will be bright. I truly believe this will help you as well, understanding your why. This will help create better daily habits and routines so that you get small wins every day. Goals are crucial to success in my opinion, so never let anyone tell you differently for instants just think if you didn't have goals. What would your preparation look like? You must also ask yourself what would play during competition look like with no goals. The key is to do not only progress in your sport, but outside of your sport. Stay consistent and disciplined with your goals. Anything worth doing is going to be hard, so if it is not hard do something else that would challenge you. Stay true and relentless.

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