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Effie and me were in my room. 

"Well, it's bound to be quite the show." She commented. 

Effie stood behind me.

I was in my Mockingjay costume. 

"Oh, you look lovely as ever. Just beautiful." She complimented. 

I stared stoically. 

"Finishing touches." 

As Effie turned away, I stashed a nightlock pill in my outfit. 

She grabbed my bow and quiver of arrows. 

Effie put my quiver of arrows on my back. 

There was rhythmic drumming. 

I strided out onto the Avenue of the Tributes. 

My bow was in my right hand. 

All heads in the crowded stands are turned to me. 

At the other end of the promenade, Coin moved onto the stage in front of me. 

Banners with Panem's new emblem hung behind her. 

Flames danced in fireballs on either side of me. 

Coin lifted her chin. 

Rebels standing along the Promenade follow behind me, forming a mass that fills the broad street. 

The Rebels halted a short distance from her stage. 

I continued forward. 

I joined Johanna, Haymitch, Peeta, Beetee, Enobaria, Annie, and Finnick. 

We stood facing Snow. 

He was tied to a pole. 

A white Rose was in Snow's lapel. 

Peeta watched with troubled eyes as I marched pass. 

I took my position in front of Snow. 

He gave me a faint smile. 

"Welcome to the new Panem." Coin announced. 

Her voice echoed. 

"Today, on the Avenue of the Tributes, all of Panem, a free Panem, will watch more than a mere spectacle. We are gathered to witness an historic moment of justice. Today, the greatest friend to the revolution will fire the shot to end all Wars." 

Cressida and Pollux filmed. 

"May her arrow signify the end of tyranny and the beginning of a new era." 

Snow smirked. 

"Mockingjay, may your aim be as true as your heart is pure." 

As Coin spread her arms, Snow cocked his head at me. 

My face was solemn. 

I drew an arrow from my quiver. 

I strung it up and raised my bow. 

I took aim at the tyrant in front of me. 

I stared at his smug face. 

My hand steadily held my bow at the ready. 

My eyes shifted up slightly. 

I aimed the arrow at Snow. 

I let it fly. 

I reached for my nightlock pill. 

Peeta stopped me. 


I had walked away. 

"What now?" I questioned Haymitch. 

"Home. We go home." 

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