33. And Then Things Go Downhill

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"Jane, is it true you only date billionaire's for their money?"

"Mr McKeller, how do you feel knowing your fiancé is being accused of being a gold-digger?"

"Will the wedding be cancelled?"

"Adrian, how do your parents feel about this news?"

"Get them to shut up before I punch someone," Adrian muttered to the head of security.

"Yes, sir." The man nodded before pushing back the journalist that were swarming us. "Move back everyone! Move back!"

The cameras continued to flash as we were escorted into the building. The studios' security also stepped in and blocked anyone from following us.

"I am so sorry about all of this," I told Adrian as we entered the building. It was my fault he and his family were facing scrutiny.

"Hey, hey, hey. None of this is your fault, okay?" Adrian cupped my face in his hands. "Damien was an asshole who twisted his side of the story, but I know you Jane. You are not that kind of woman and never will be. This was all Damien's doing because he is jealous and mad about losing such an amazing woman. So, do not blame yourself for this mess."

       His words were what I needed. They comforted my anguish and assured me of his love.

        "If the world could see this moment now, no one would believe Damien's words." We turned around and found Cassandra smiling at us. She walked over to me and gave me a small hug. "I am sorry about what these idiots are saying about you. Know, that all the Glitz members are on your side."

"Thank you," I said with a grateful smile.

"Thank you for taking us on such short notice," Adrian said as he shook Cassandra's hand.

"Nonsense! You know that I am always available for the McKellers. You are one of the few rich families in this city that are not two-faced like the rest," Cassandra replied. "Come, everything is set-up. We'll have the MUAs touch up Jane's make you and then we'll get started."

We walked into the same studio that we had used for our first interview with Cassandra. Everything was just as I remembered only that this time the live audience was missing just as Adrian had requested. The interview would be streamed live instead.

"I am just going to reapply your lipstick and add a bit of powder, okay?" The young makeup artist asked and I nodded.

As half the crew set up the cameras, the other half prepared Adrian and I by fixing our clothes and hair. It only took a few minutes before the cameraman began counting down and the camera started rolling.

"Hello everyone! Today we have a very special and exclusive interview with one of the most talked about couples in Miami. Jane, Adrian, welcome back on the show." Cassandra turned to us and the camera followed her.

"Hi Cassandra," Adrian and I said in unison.

"It was only a few months ago that you two first made headlines and now your names are all over the news again after Damien Jacob released a tell-all interview with Showbiz making very serious claims. Jane, I am sure these past few days must have been hard for you. Tell us, how did you first react when you heard the news?"

       "I reacted the same way any other would react. I was furious. My name and the name of the man I love were being tarnished by the words of a man who was twisting a story," I replied in the most calm voice I could muster.

       "So, is there some truth to Damien's story? Was he not lying when he said you two were in a relationship?"

       I heaved a sigh and nodded. "I did date Damien in the past," I admitted. "When I started my internship with his family's company he was one of the few people that gave me a warm welcome. He would always bring me coffee in the mornings and help me with my internship duties. When I became his secretary, we grew even closer. Eventually, he asked me out and I naively said yes. He asked that I keep our relationship a secret until he found a way to tell his parents. He made promises of marriage and I blindly believed him. We kept our relationship going for two years until his parents eventually found out and they were not too thrilled."

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