Chapter 5: The Iron Fist

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As I was walking through the crowded hallway, I heard someone call out my name. I turned around and saw my friend, Kabu Tori, jogging towards me.

"Hey man, have you heard about the new martial arts gang in school?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement

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"Hey man, have you heard about the new martial arts gang in school?" he asked, his eyes gleaming with excitement. He was a tall muscular man who had already asked to join the gang before.

"No, what gang?" I replied, intrigued.

"It's called the Iron Fist. They're supposed to be really skilled and have been challenging other martial arts clubs to fights. I heard they're looking for new members too," he explained.

I smiled at the mention of challenges and fights. It seemed like trouble was brewing once again. But at the same time, the thought of joining a new martial arts club and learning new techniques was tempting.

Kabu noticed my hesitation and spoke up again. "Come on, man. It'll be fun. And it's not like we'll be the ones starting the fights. We'll just be defending ourselves and our club."

I sighed, knowing that he was right. It was better to be prepared and skilled in case any trouble came our way. "Fine, let's check it out," I agreed.

Kabu grinned and led the way, eager to meet the members of the Iron Fist. I followed behind him, my mind racing with thoughts of the challenges and battles that lay ahead.

The idea of joining a martial arts gang seemed like a thrilling challenge, and I wanted to know more.

"Are you thinking of joining them?" I asked casually.

Kabu shook his head. "I've already asked to join them and passed their test, I should be in tommorow. But I heard they're looking for new members, and I thought you might be interested."

I played it cool, but inside, I was excited. Joining a gang would be a new adventure, and I was always up for a challenge.

"Maybe I'll check it out," I said, trying to sound nonchalant.

As I walked around the school, I couldn't help but overhear snippets of conversations from other students. The rumors about the gang's criminal activities were spreading like wildfire, and some people were starting to get nervous.

"I heard they beat up some guys at the park last night."

"My cousin's friend got mugged by them last week."

"I heard they're dealing drugs."

The more I heard, the more I wanted to find out the truth. Was this gang really as dangerous as everyone was making it out to be? And could I handle the challenge of joining them?

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