Vol.2 Chapter 12 - The Ultimate Android

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Ahmed stood before the Ultimate Android, a massive and terrifying creature that towered over him. He knew that this was going to be the toughest fight of his life, but he was determined to do whatever it takes to protect the timeline.

The Android attacked with incredible speed and ferocity, launching a barrage of punches and energy blasts at Ahmed. But Ahmed was able to dodge and weave through the attacks with incredible agility and speed, striking back with his own powerful energy blasts.

As the battle raged on, Ahmed began to realize that the Ultimate Android was different from any other Android he had ever faced. It seemed to possess the abilities and strengths of every Android that had ever existed, making it an incredibly formidable opponent.

Despite this, Ahmed refused to give up. He pushed himself to his limits, tapping into his inner reserves of strength and power. He felt his energy surge, and he knew that he was on the cusp of a breakthrough.

Suddenly, with a powerful surge of energy, Ahmed transformed into a Super Saiyan. His hair turned golden, and his aura flared up as he became stronger and more powerful than ever before.

With a roar of defiance, Ahmed charged at the Ultimate Android, launching a powerful series of energy blasts that struck the creature with incredible force. The Android roared in pain, but it refused to give up.

The battle raged on for what felt like hours, with both Ahmed and the Ultimate Android trading blows and energy blasts.

Then, Ahmed felt the immense power coursing through his body as he transformed into a Super Saiyan 2. His golden aura flared up, and his spiky hair stood on end as he prepared to face the Ultimate Android. He could feel the heat emanating from the Android's body, and he knew that this was going to be the toughest fight of his life.

As he approached the Ultimate Android, he could see that it was a massive amalgamation of all the Androids he had ever faced. Its eyes glowed red, and its metallic skin gleamed in the light of the sun. Ahmed knew that he had to be careful and not let his guard down.

The Android attacked with a flurry of punches and kicks, but Ahmed was able to dodge them with his incredible speed and agility. He retaliated with a series of energy blasts, but the Android simply absorbed them and grew even stronger.

Ahmed knew that he needed to find a weakness in the Android's armor, and he focused all his energy on searching for it. Suddenly, he saw a small crack in the Android's metallic skin, and he knew that this was his chance.

With a powerful yell, Ahmed charged at the Android, and with a mighty punch, he struck the crack in its armor. The Ultimate Android let out a deafening roar as it began to crumble under the force of Ahmed's attack.

As the Android disintegrated into nothingness, Ahmed felt a sense of relief wash over him. He had saved the timeline and defeated the Ultimate Android once and for all. He knew that this would not be the end of his battles, but he was ready for whatever challenges lay ahead.

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