Vol.6 Chapter 42 - Ahmed's Past

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As Ranch is back she wanted to reconnect with Ahmed so she takes him on a date in this new universe and a question she never asked Ahmed was about his family.

Ranch noticed the sadness in Ahmed's eyes and gently placed her hand on his, "I'm sorry, Ahmed. I didn't mean to bring up bad memories."

Ahmed gave her a small smile and squeezed her hand, "It's okay, Ranch. I'm just glad to be with you again."

Ranch nodded and looked at him curiously, "But, what about your family? Do you have any siblings or relatives?"

Ahmed shook his head, "No, I don't. My parents were the only family I had, and they were killed when I was young. After that, I was alone and had to fend for myself."

Ranch felt a pang of sadness in her heart for Ahmed. She couldn't imagine going through life without any family. "I'm sorry, Ahmed. I wish I could have been there for you."

Ahmed gave her a warm smile, "You are here now, and that's all that matters."

As they continued their date, Ranch couldn't help but think about how strong Ahmed was. He had been through so much in his life and still managed to come out on top. She was grateful to have him in her life and knew that she would do anything to protect him.

Meanwhile, Deku and All Might had been discussing Ahmed's powers and trying to understand how he had managed to become so strong in such a short amount of time. All Might had been impressed with Ahmed's determination and strength and had taken him under his wing, training him in the ways of a hero.

Deku was still amazed by Ahmed's power and wanted to learn everything he could from him. He had never met anyone like Ahmed before and was inspired by his strength and resilience.

As the days passed, Ahmed continued to train with All Might and help Deku with his own training. Ranch stayed by his side, supporting him and encouraging him every step of the way. Together, they made a strong team, and their bond only grew stronger with each passing day.

Ranch asking Ahmed if they had a chance to back to there universe would you not go back with her because of this new universe.

Ahmed paused for a moment, contemplating Ranch's question. He took a deep breath before answering, "I would go back to our universe with you in a heartbeat, Ranch. But at the same time, I wouldn't want to leave this universe behind. I've grown attached to the people here, especially Deku and All Might. They've become like family to me."

Ranch nodded in understanding, "I feel the same way, Ahmed. This universe has its own charms and unique experiences, but our universe will always be our home."

Ahmed smiled, "Exactly. I've learned to embrace both universes and cherish the moments I have in each."

As the night went on, Ahmed and Ranch continued their date, enjoying each other's company and catching up on lost time. They talked about their adventures in their universe and the new experiences they've had in this universe. Ahmed even showed Ranch around some of the popular spots in the city.

As they walked through the bustling streets, they stumbled upon a group of villains causing chaos. Without a second thought, Ahmed jumped into action, transforming into his beast form and taking down the villains with ease. Ranch watched in amazement, proud of her boyfriend's strength and heroism.

After the dust settled, Ahmed returned to his normal form, a bit winded but still smiling. Ranch ran up to him and embraced him tightly, "You're amazing, Ahmed. I'm so lucky to have you."

Ahmed hugged her back, "I'm the lucky one, Ranch. I wouldn't be here without you."

The couple continued their date, grateful for each other's company and the experiences they shared together.

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