Vol.4 Chapter 21 - A New Timeline

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Ahmed was surprised by the Supreme Kai of Time's request. "What do you mean let it be? That's a major change to the timeline!" he exclaimed.

The Supreme Kai of Time nodded. "Yes, it is a major change, but it is necessary. You see, there are certain events that must happen in order for the timeline to remain stable. If Raditz were to survive, it would create a ripple effect that could alter the course of history in unpredictable ways."

Ahmed frowned, not fully understanding. "But why let Goku die? That's even worse!"

The Supreme Kai of Time sighed. "I know it seems cruel, but Goku's death is a necessary sacrifice. If he were to live, he would become too powerful and attract the attention of even more dangerous villains. The world needs a hero, but it also needs balance. If Goku were to survive, that balance would be upset."

Ahmed nodded slowly, understanding the logic behind the Supreme Kai of Time's decision. "I see. So what do you want me to do? Just watch and make sure nothing else gets changed?"

The Supreme Kai of Time smiled. "Exactly. You have proven yourself to be a reliable and trustworthy time patroller. I trust you to keep an eye on this timeline and make sure nothing goes wrong."

Ahmed nodded, feeling a sense of duty wash over him. "I won't let you down. I'll make sure everything goes according to plan."

The Supreme Kai of Time placed a hand on Ahmed's shoulder. "I know you will. Now go, and may the Time Patrol watch over you."

With a determined nod, Ahmed headed out to oversee the timeline of Raditz surviving the Special Beam Cannon and Goku dying. It was a strange feeling, knowing that he had to let a major character die for the sake of the timeline, but he understood that it was for the greater good. He would do whatever it took to make sure the timeline remained stable and the future of the Dragon Ball universe was secure.

As time passed, Ahmed continued to keep watch over the timeline where Raditz survived and Goku died. Despite his initial confusion and discomfort with the situation, he began to see the benefits of letting events unfold as they were meant to. Raditz's presence had a noticeable impact on the timeline, causing events to unfold in slightly different ways than they had in the original timeline.

As Ahmed observed the changes, he started to wonder why the Supreme Kai of Time had asked him to keep watch over this particular timeline. It seemed like an odd request, given that it was just one small deviation from the original timeline. But the more he thought about it, the more he began to realize that even small changes could have major consequences in the grand scheme of things.

One day, while Ahmed was on patrol, he received a message from Trunks. "Ahmed, we need you back at the Time Nest right away. There's been a major disturbance in the timeline."

Ahmed's heart raced as he rushed back to the Time Nest. When he arrived, he found Trunks and the Supreme Kai of Time waiting for him, looking worried.

"What's going on?" Ahmed asked.

The Supreme Kai of Time sighed. "It seems that our decision to let Raditz survive and Goku die may have had unintended consequences. There are reports of a new villain emerging in this timeline, one that we've never seen before. We believe that this villain is the result of the altered timeline."

Ahmed's eyes widened in shock. "What kind of villain are we talking about here?"

Trunks chimed in. "We don't have all the details yet, but from what we've gathered, this villain is incredibly powerful and poses a major threat to the timeline. We need you to go back and stop this villain before they cause any more damage."

Ahmed nodded, feeling a sense of urgency. "I'm on it. Just tell me where to go."

Trunks handed him a Time Scroll. "This is the location of the villain's first attack. It's up to you to stop them before they can do any more harm."

With a determined nod, Ahmed grabbed the Time Scroll and set off to stop the new villain, determined to prevent any more damage to the timeline.

Ahmed arrived at the location specified on the Time Scroll, a small village that had been destroyed in the villain's initial attack. As he approached, he could see the destruction and chaos that had been left in the villain's wake. Buildings were destroyed, people were injured and screaming for help.

Ahmed gritted his teeth, feeling anger and sadness at the senseless violence. He knew he had to act fast to stop the villain before they could cause any more damage. He powered up to Super Saiyan 3 and flew towards the direction of the villain's energy signature.

As he got closer, he could see a figure in the distance, a tall, muscular humanoid with dark purple skin and glowing red eyes. The villain noticed Ahmed approaching and turned to face him, grinning evilly.

"Well, well, what do we have here?" the villain said in a deep, menacing voice. "Another fool trying to stop me?"

Ahmed didn't respond, instead launching himself at the villain with a flurry of punches and kicks. But the villain was quick, dodging and countering with his own attacks. The two engaged in a fierce battle, their energy blasts and punches creating shockwaves that shook the surrounding area.

Despite his Super Saiyan 3 power, Ahmed found himself struggling against the villain's strength and speed. But he refused to give up, knowing that the fate of the timeline was at stake. He continued to fight, determined to find a way to defeat the villain.

As the battle wore on, Ahmed noticed that the villain seemed to be getting stronger and more aggressive. His attacks became more powerful and erratic, and his eyes glowed brighter and brighter. Ahmed realized that the villain was tapping into some sort of dark energy, one that was driving him to greater and greater levels of power.

With a surge of determination, Ahmed launched a massive energy blast at the villain, pouring all of his energy into the attack. The blast hit the villain head-on, sending him flying backwards and creating a massive explosion.

When the dust cleared, Ahmed could see that the villain was lying motionless on the ground, defeated. He let out a sigh of relief, feeling a sense of satisfaction at having saved the timeline.

As he flew back to the Time Nest to report his success, Ahmed couldn't help but think about the consequences of altering the timeline. He knew that every decision had the potential to create ripples that could affect the future in unexpected ways. But he also knew that, with his power and determination, he was capable of facing any challenge that the timeline might throw his way.

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