Chapter 03.

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YEAR 02.
Chapter 03.

  Mattheo and Delphini don't know what to do or say when Mrs Weasley comes stomping over to the group in her dressing gown, slippers and night cap.

  All of the other boys seem to be petrified by what is about to happen.

  Mrs Weasley's hands go to her hips. And she stares between one guilty face to another.

  "So?" She demands of them.

  "Mum, we were only..." Ron is the brave one that starts to speak.

  "Beds empty. No note. Car gone. I've been out of my mind with worry. We've never had any of this sort of trouble from Percy, Charlie or Bill" Mrs Weasley screams at her children and nephew.

  Harry stands over with Mattheo and Delphini out of the way.

  Lorenzo looks ready to tell her that Charlie smuggled a dragon out of Hogwarts last year, but decides against it.

  "You could have been seen! YOU COULD HAVE DIED!" Mrs Weasley screams at them. The Weasleys and Lorenzo are all taller than Mrs Weasley, and yet she still manages to take them all down a peg.

  Mrs Weasley turns to Mattheo, Delphini and Harry.

  "Of course I don't blame you Mattheo, or you Delphini" Mrs Weasley suddenly begins mothering Mattheo and Delphini. "Won't you both come in and have some breakfast?" She offers to the Riddle children.

  They haven't really eaten properly in three weeks, so the sound of food is welcoming to them.

  "And you, Harry Potter, your mother already knows what you've been up to" Mrs Weasley tells Harry.

  Harry goes pale at the thought of his mother shouting at him when she returns from work.

  Mattheo and Delphini take a seat at the long table. It's big enough to seat everyone in the house and guests, so it takes up a whole room on its own.

  "Arthur and I have been worried about you ourselves of course, Elsbeth and Theon are out of the country at the moment and won't return until September" Mrs Weasley tells Mattheo.

  "We've been alright, thanks for asking Mrs Weasley" Mattheo lies. No need to worry her.

  Mrs Weasley gives him a knowing look. "Me and Arthur were going to come and get you ourselves later this week, if we hadn't heard back from you by then" Mrs Weasley promises Mattheo.

  It's odd to feel like a motherly figure was watching out of him. Something he's never had.

  "It was cloudy, mum" George protests.

  "Not a one muggle saw us" Fred lies. Leaving out Uncle Reagan, who has never seen a car fly in his entire magical career.

  Mrs Weasley gives them a warning look. She does not have the patience to deal with the Weasley boys' jokes.

  Mrs Weasley flicks her wand and plates of food float out from the kitchen and onto the table.

  The rest of the Weasleys and Harry all take seats around the table so they can eat.

BOOK 2: SERPENTINE. (Mattheo Riddle).Where stories live. Discover now