Chapter 13.

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YEAR 02.
Chapter 13.

Defence Against the Dark Arts only seems to get worse with Lockhart as their teacher. Every chance he gets he mentions his titles, his books or how many times he's won the Witch Weekly Best Smile award.

  Artemis nearly scoffs when she finds out he's a member of the Order of Merlin 3rd class. Lockhart is an honorary member, not like Dumbledore.

The entire year had heard about what happened with Quirrell-Ghost, and the first-years that were saved confirmed it was Mattheo Riddle and Lorenzo Berkshire that had saved their lives. So everyone was rushing around thanking Mattheo, and Lockhart seemed to be there for all of it.

Lockhart even set them a quiz one day to make sure that people were reading his books.

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favourite colour?
2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

The questions went on this way for nearly a hundred questions. Some of them were even essay portions.

"Bells, let me see your answers" Mattheo hisses quietly when Lockhart's back is turned. Mattheo hasn't even cracked the spine on Lockhart's books.

"No" Artemis hisses back, then she uses her arm to cover her quiz.

"It's not fair. You're his family. You should know all of this anyways" Mattheo whispers to her. Artemis has inside information, and she should be sharing it in his opinion.

"Do you know Delphini's favourite colour?" Artemis questions Mattheo.

Mattheo glares, he tries his hardest to think if Delphini has ever mentioned her favourite colour, which she has but he wasn't listening. Mattheo has to spit out a reply of "No".

Then Artemis continues to answer the quiz questions. Answering them obnoxiously fast just to annoy Mattheo.

Half an hour later, Lockhart is looking over the quizzes. He doesn't seem best pleased with how people have answered his questions.

"Tut, tut, hardly anyone remembered my favourite colour to be lilac. Or my ambition is world peace" Lockhart sighs.

"You are so basic" Lorenzo mutters under his breath.

"And that my ideal birthday gift should be...detention Miss Lestrange!" Lockhart barks suddenly, having read what Iris wrote for that answer, and even a man of his age has never heard of such things.

Iris is in the opinion that the detention is worth it to put this waste of space in his place.

"...Miss Bellator seems to be the only one to answer all of the questions correctly" Lockhart smiles to his cousin, and earns groans of malice from the rest of the class.

"It's still a quiz. It might go towards our grades" Artemis makes the argument to the class, but they still bombard her with paper balls either way.

"It's nice to know that I have a real fan in my midst" Lockhart grins at Artemis. "Stay in school Artemis, and you might be as good as me one day" he jokes.

Artemis looks livid, and Mattheo grabs her arm tightly to give her a distraction from her rage.

"Settle" Mattheo orders Artemis.

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