Chapter 04.

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YEAR 02.
Chapter 04.

  Life at the Burrows puts smiles on Mattheo and Delphini's faces every morning for the rest of the week.

  Delphini loves helping Molly tend to the gardens. And is loving helping out around the house so she earns her keep.

  Mattheo and Lorenzo spend most of their week on their brooms, having mock Quidditch matches in one of the fields with Fred, George, and Harry (on the days he was staying).

  And the food is amazing, and Mattheo makes the most of the good cooking while at the Burrow. Having been starved for weeks at Uncle Reagan's house.

  Saturday comes around quickly. And it's the day that Mattheo has been looking forward to more than anything. It's the day of the Summer Ball at Bellator Manor, and he will get to see Artemis this evening.

  Mattheo puts on a navy blue suit (a quick trip into London for a shopping trip). A white shirt underneath and a black bow tie.

  Lorenzo goes for a more summery suit since it's a summer ball. A pale pink suit with a pinstriped shirt underneath. Light fabric that breathes, just in case he wants to dance.

  "What's the Summer Ball like?" Mattheo asks as he ties Lorenzo's white tie for him.

  "Dunno" Lorenzo says. "We've never been to one before. I think it must have been Artemis that put us on the guest list" Lorenzo tells Mattheo.

  "Does Bells know that I'm coming?" Mattheo asks. He's hoping that she's as excited to see him as he is to see her.

  "We said we were bringing a guest, and that's all that they've asked" Lorenzo tells Mattheo. "It's strange having influence all of a sudden" Lorenzo laughs, feeling like some political boss.

  "Don't be a weirdo" Mattheo chuckles to his best friend. "Yum. Good enough for Penny to eat" Mattheo jokes about how good that Lorenzo looks in his suit.

  Lorenzo goes red, and it goes well with the colour of his suit. "Penny's not going to be there tonight, so you can get rid of that grin" Lorenzo tells Mattheo.

  "That's a shame. I've been working on my Lenny jokes all summer. Or should we go with Pennenzo?" Mattheo jokes with Lorenzo. "Sweetshire?".

  Lorenzo smiles. "You forget that you're going to be around Artemis and her grandparents this evening. I. Will. Get. My. Revenge" Lorenzo warns Mattheo.

  "Yeah, but then you'll have to deal with Artemis" Mattheo chuckles to Lorenzo. "And you're not that brave" Mattheo laughs, counting on Enzo not wanting to cross Artemis.

  Lorenzo hadn't thought about it like that. "No. No I'm not" Lorenzo confirms he's not that brave.

  "Boys? We need to go!" Molly shouts up through the house.

  The Weasley twins hate being in their suits. Percy is loving it. Ginny is showing off a beautiful dress. And even Molly and Arthur are dressing up for the evening.

  "Delphini? Are you sure that you don't want to come?" Molly checks with Delphini.

  Being back in the magical world and able to use magic has kicked up Delphini's curse again. She's not feeling so well again. And she had really been looking forward to going to the ball.

BOOK 2: SERPENTINE. (Mattheo Riddle).Where stories live. Discover now