Ep 3

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Jaune was immediately caught off guard by Marshaun's stance but Jaune regained his composure and changed Marshaun and went for a strike for the mid section but Marshaun jumped up dodging and landing of Jaune's sword

Jaune was immediately caught off guard by Marshaun's stance but Jaune regained his composure and changed Marshaun and went for a strike for the mid section but Marshaun jumped up dodging and landing of Jaune's sword

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Marshaun: so tell me does you sword have a name.

Jaune: yes my sword's name is Crocea Mors, do you have a weapon you use.

Marshaun: I do actually " backflips of Jaune's sword away from him"

Marshaun pulls out a knife from his sleeve

jaune, wielding his sword with both hands, maintains his distance, using the longer reach of the sword to keep marshaun at bay.jaune parries marshaun initial knife thrust, using the crossguard of the sword to deflect the attack. jaune counterattacks with a sweeping cut, aiming to strike marshaun arm or torso. marshaun, being nimble and agile, manages to dodge the sword attack, but fails to land a successful strike with his knife. both fighters retreating, each assessing their opponent's skill and strategy. marshaun changes his tactic, opting for quick, agile movements and attempting to get inside Jaune's guard. jaune maintains his stance and utilizes thrusting techniques, trying to penetrate marshaun defenses with his longer sword. marshaun manages to close the distance, ducking under a swing of Jaune's sword, and slashes at Jaune's legs with his knife. Jaune steps back, avoiding the knife attack and delivers a thrust towards marshaun's chest. marshaun barely manages to parry the sword thrust with his knife, but the force of the blow knocks the knife out of his hand, leaving him unarmed. Jaune moves in for the final strike, aiming to disarm or disable marshaun With no weapon in hand, marshaun has to rely on his hand-to-hand combat skills, attempting to evade and counter Jaune's attacks. Jaune presses the advantage, using his sword to control the distance and launch powerful strikes. marshaun uses his speed and agility to dodge and evade, looking for an opportunity to disarm or disable Jaune.marshaun manages to land a solid kick to jaune's knee, causing him to stumble and lose his grip on the sword momentarily. marshaun seizes the opportunity and grapples with Jaune, wrestling for control of the sword. After a brief struggle, marshaun manages to disarm jaune, kicking the sword away. The fight ends with marshaun holding the sword, and jaune raising his hands in surrender. marshaun roundhouse kicks jaune in the face knocking him unconscious 

Ref: and Marshaun is the winner of this round

Pyrra: Jaune!!

The red headed spartan ran to Jaune holding him in her arm

Marshaun glows in a bright light turning back to normal holding the joker Gaia memory and his knife in his other hand and walks of the stage into the waiting room but as he does he said something

Marshaun: don't look so down red maybe you'll avenge him 😂

Pyrrha looks at Marshaun with a look of determination to beat him

Marshaun sat in the waiting room drinking water looking at the other battles and final the battle made it to round two
Round 2 battle brackets left side

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2023 ⏰

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