Chapter 1

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I made my way to the closest area that was unaffected by the destruction , I went to which ever place sold burgers . As I made my way to the fast food restaurant,  people started coming out their shelters and walked like nothing in particular happened.  This country were so used to these  "bombings" that they just wait for it to be over and continue with their everyday life .

I went into the restaurant and walked up to the counter to place my order " one double cheese burger , beef , with fries " the woman behind the counter looked sleep deprived with dark bags under her eyes and her hair up in a side hairstyle.  Shido ran inside and when he noticed the woman he suddenly looked confused and acted strangely,  as if he knew her. 

It's not entirely strange that he knew people around this area , but the way he acted made me curious,  who was this woman ?

She handed me my order and showed me a place to sit , a very specific table . All the other tables had people however,  they were all sitting alone , one person at each table .

Every single table had a girl sitting at it , some looked older then the others and some younger. Their appearances differ aswell , one had red hair up in pigtails with red eyes , another had short white hair and blue eyes , two looked identical with blonde hair and blue eyes , a larger or perhaps older looking girl had light blue hair and eyes , a shorter or smaller girl sat with dark blue hair and eyes with a rabbit puppet , lastly the girl who sat closest to us had dark purple hair and a mixture of orange and purple eyes .

This wouldn't strike me as unusual however they kept looking our way , 'our' because this shido person decided to follow me and is now sitting across me at my table .  The girls kept stealing glances our way over menu's or under their hands , they weren't subtle at all .

Shido only ordered something to drink as he sat across from me , he inhaled as he was about to speak but I interrupted him " why did you follow me ?"

He cleared his throat " well...I haven't sealed your powers so if you get another 'power surge' I have to be here to stop you "

" so that's what you call it then . You don't have to be concerned about that "

Shido frowned " what ? Why ?"

I finished up my burger and sighed " it only happens in my sleep , it won't happen when I'm awake "

Shido seemed surprised at this , I suppose it's his first time hearing this from a spirit . I began eating my French fries " when I'm asleep , I'll wake up in the middle of nowhere , already transformed and I'm given a few minutes to be aware of my surroundings before the 'power surge' happens "

" then we must seal your powers before you go to sleep " he stated urgently . I won't seal my powers , I refuse to . But I am curious on the method that has subdued all the other spirits before me . " how you intend to do that exactly ? "

" I have to kiss you "

"That's a joke . You cannot be serious " I asked in disbelief. 

" no I really have to kiss you to seal your powers , if I don't you will destroy even more places . It's the only way to stop you and I'm not giving up " he added .

I was unamused , I began to glare at him as he kept rambling on , the voice in his ear spoke " shido ! What are you saying? He's getting mad !"

As the voice spoke I noticed the girl with the red hair , hunched over and was whispering towards the wall . I see now , she's the voice speaking to him , his voice of reason then . Are all these women on his side and plan to hold me down while this guy does what he wants ? The thought of that makes my blood boil. 

I stood and glared down at him , in a swift motion I threw him against the wall , appeared infront of him and held him up with my arm across  his chest , he gasped in surprise.  The girls all sprung up to aid him , I created a forcefield between us and the other girls which I now realized were the other spirits . I glared up at Shido as he held onto my arm for dear life " let me put this in perspective for you then . Imagine waking up only to destroy half a civilization,  then a random person dressed up approaches you and refuses to leave , with the sole purpose to kiss you wether you consent to it or not ."

He struggled " its the only way to seal them "

" I refuse . Try and approach me again and I will not hesitate to electocute you " I hissed . I stepped back and dropped him , he held his chest as he gasped for air . I looked back at all the women who seemed ready to charge at me with a moments notice " you want your darling Shido to stay alive ? Keep him out of my way " I hissed again . I lowered the force field and walked out the restaurant,  the girls all ran to his side asking if he was alright and if they should "punish" me for harming him , I happened to overhear the red head say " we don't have choice , we will have to keep him under surveillance "

You can try pretty girl , it won't help you.

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