Chapter 2

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As expected , Shido and his spirit sidekicks didn't leave me alone . Instead they tried to be friendly with me , I honestly didn't know whether to be irritated or curious . Were they really concerned that I'd destroy more cities ? But unbeknownst to me , they had a plan of action already , one that would enrage me beyond words .

I woke up  in the centre of a open field , fully transformed . My heart ached and my head spun , I knew what was coming . My magic was surging again , I didn't understand why my magic has to be contained if I was given them in the first place .

I gazed up at the sky as large thunder clouds came together , bright white lighting flashing in-between the clouds with the familiar rumble of thunder . The clouds burst with large droplets of rain water , drenching me and the field .

I felt my power rise as small fragments of lighting flashed around my body , in the corner of my eye I noticed an airship approach . Shido and three spirits climbed out and rushed closer , the three spirits were half human and half in their spirit forms . Were these the effects that are caused by sealing their powers ?

Shido stopped a few feet away " Ryu!..don't!"

" you don't listen do you?" I hissed , I turned fully towards him " I was able to come here to a field instead of a busy city so that you can leave me alone . But you just won't stop "

Shido sighed " I know why you're angry with me and I don't blame you , but please don't push me away . I can help you "

I raised my eyebrow " you can help me ? Be sealing my powers from me ? How is that helping?!" Lighting flashed behind me making the air tense .

Shido looked around nervously " doesn't it hurt you ? When your magic surges ? "

I narrowed my eyes , how does he know this ? Did the others complain about the pain too ?

Shido stepped closer while the spirits stayed back , he gulped as he spoke " out of all the spirits,  you're the only one who gets hurt when your magic releases , the only one who can't control it . Doesn't it make you wonder why ?"

" you're saying I'm weak?" I asked threateningly , he raised his hands up in defense " no not at all , you're as strong as princess . I'm just saying , wouldn't it be better that you don't get those headaches or muscle pain ? Wouldn't it be better to have a good night's rest for once ?"

This guy was remarkably good with his words , I was nearly convinced by his words but the fact that he kept coming closer as he spoke made me anxious. "Stay back !" I hissed

Shido extended his hand and grabbed my arm , giving me a calm and soothing smile . This man doesn't even show an ounce of fear , he isn't afraid of me or what I can do , has he experienced similar things with other spirits ?

But it was far to late , my eyes widened as my body glowed a bright blue . I pushed Shido back , he landed in the arms of the other spirits that were by his side . Just as before , my magic completely blew up like a nuclear blast.  Everything around me was blown back in shattered parts , The spirits put up a protective field among themselves before he blast could reach them , everything shook as the blast reached a blinding light . Soon after the light faded , just as before , everything was to bright .

I looked around and noticed Shido and the three spirits were perfectly unharmed , I suppose it's helpful when you have the loyality of supernatural beings.

Shido was breathing heavy as he looked around , one spirit looked to him " Shido , he is to dangerous " , Shido shook his head " its not his fault Miku , he can't control it "

The other two spoke " how can we help him when he doesn't want the help?"

" he is wasting your time "

Shido shook his head " no , Oragami he isn't.  He just doesn't trust us yet . " he looked to the other one " he wants help , he just doesn't know how to ask for it , something like  Yoshino had , right Touka ?"

Well , I've learnt 4 more names unintentionally thanks to their discussions.  " just leave , stop wasting your time and piss off "  I turned to leave .

Shido ran up to me " wait !" He grabbed my tail , my whole body froze as I glared down at him " let go . Now . "

Gulping , Shido slowly released my tail . " at least give me a chance to show you that you can trust me ? "

" why should I?"

" why not ? After all what do you have to loose ?"

" my powers , possibly my dignity "

Shido smiled " I doubt that " he extended his hand , I looked down at it and back at him " what do you have in mind ?'

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