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The last four weeks have been

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The last four weeks have been...stressful to say the least. The entirety of it was the duke getting angry about the failing treatments given by the doctors. To the point that he'd basically threatened to murder them and then and there if they do not cooperate with the mission at hand.

She, on the other hand, sat on her bed rather sickly while her duke continued his vicious attitudes. All that attitude faded when he made it to her though. From what she was aware from, the body she took was Regis' mental nurse. A person who helped feel less angry and violent and more loving with a hint of a cold attitude since it seemed that couldn't be fixed. So when he made it to her room, his attitude dropped drastically as he knew she'd not approve of such.

He sat there next to her as his hand held hers. The sounds that revolved in this room were sounds of murmuring from Regis (who comforted her and said it was alright) or sounds of utensils. The duke made sure to have his meals with her and take sessions with her still. Due to her past work being a mental nurse, she took to this job rather easily.

"You won't die." He vowed over and over again. She could not help but think that the character she was now playing was supposed to die in benefit of his future wife's place as his comforter. Thus she took the risk of telling him otherwise. It  earned an extremely negative response from Regis. His hand gripped hers as his eyes went ablaze in pure anger. "You won't. I swear to it." This scared her so !much she refused to make those words come out every again. If they did it would be because of her miserable thoughts.

Was it possible to die again after just being reincarnated? She did not know, but this proves as much. She was honestly ready to give her way to death yet...there was so much she hadn't done in this world. If she was brought here there must be a purpose behind right? Pondering on this thought, she found herself begging the God above to keep her here. For Regis, and for the storyline. She knew how this ended. Her reading the novel knew everything. Thus she needed to rewrite it. Even if it killed her entirely.

Her prayers seemed to have been answered when the physician noticed a miraculous change in her health state. Days pass and she felt alive once more. Regis assured her of this when he said she looked better now.

Thank God... Was her thought to this moment. Her body no longer lingered in pain. At least of the time of the present. They told her she'd have the illness for her entire life and although she was cured, she was told it was only as of now. No one seemed to think it'd continue on in the future years of her life so they warned her to be cautious. This meant an extremely strict diet as well a strict schedule of what she can and can't do everyday.

Regis took care of most expenses. Surprisingly enough he said he'd do anything to keep her this way. He cared for her. This she knew with much notice. He cared so much he didn't even care about his own health.

"Regis, you should rest." She mumbled as he had just arrived from a long mission but went straight to her room to take her on a walk.

"I know." Regis said as he kissed her hand gently. "But you're more important right now."

He took her on walks anywhere she dare please. Took her shopping when there were events to be gone to and cravings were as satisfied as ever. I feel like a sugar— no don't think that. She !mentally cursed herself quietly. The reasons behind the acts of kindness were simple.

He couldn't lose her. If he did, he'd go insane. 

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