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Deep blue eyes were the first thing she sees as she jolts up in realization that she fainted yet again. Her heart pounds in her ears as she felt weak. Extremely and undeniably weak. Her fragile body was encased in the arms of the duke who looked as if he nearly had gotten a heart attack.

Regis held worry in his face as his arms hung around her, pulling her close to him. He had every right to he worried right now. This woman was the only reason of his sanity after all. Her body felt delicate in his arms, like a precious glass vase that could break if one didn't handle it properly. He placed Name down gently on the soft mattress, fingers making their way to her cheek caressing it gently.

Name was asleep now. Her eyes looked so dark and she looks so enchanting in her sleep. Regis was silent as he watched her chest heave up and down slowly in a sleeping form. Breathtaking. His eyes shifted to her partly open lips. Temptation came forward as he felt the need to kiss her.

His thumb moved closer and caressed her lower lip. It satisfied him as much. He'd never felt this way before. Never.

Name brought in something he'd never felt before. She warmed his frozen cold heart. Made him feel whole inside.

Regis had taken the oath in his heart to do anything for her sake. And lo and behold, he did.

Whatever the duke had given the lady to drink had worked miraculously for the lady's well-being. She found herself gaining more strength than weakness.

Her fragile figure finally gave a kick in the right direction. She is getting better, and thank goodness she was.

The duke rejoiced to himself as he kissed her forehead. "I'm glad you're alright." He whispers, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. "Come, my lady. It's time to take the medicine again." By this time, Name had given up on saying no towards the medicine. Though she was still slightly skeptical on how it worked so well on her, she would rather see the soft smile on the duke's lips than a frown of disappointment.

She sips the medicine and it was followed up with a cup of sweet tea. A routine this was for the two. Regis sits by her side, awaiting her to say she's finished. When she is, he carries her back.

"Regis." She speaks his name and everything suddenly stops for him. His heart races and his breathing hitched in his throat. It is a foreign sound to him, her speaking his name so quietly. Her soft tone brought him to joy and excitement.

"Yes, dearest?" He asks softly. "Do you need anything?"

She looks down on her lap, her fingers twisting and playing with the blanket. "I'd like to ask how you managed to grab a hold on such medicine as the one you've given me?" This makes him pause. He cannot say how or why he did it. Only that he had given it to her.

"My dear...I can't tell you how I got it, unfortunately." His smile curls into one that seemed to strained to be sincere. There is a certain ting in the atmosphere. One that brought curiosity and anxiety to the heart of the female.

Where'd he get it? She thinks to herself, her heart palpitations grew too fast for her liking while her stomach churns in nervousness.

Her eyes flicker to try and meet his gaze only for his own to flick away. He did not wish to meet her gaze. A frown plays on her delicate, but dry lips as she did not push on with the intention she once had.

"You should sleep now, little love." He whispers, changing the topic quickly as he kissed her cheeks. "I love you, good night."

It took her all the time that he left when she realized he had told her he loved her. Her mouth gaps and her eyes widen. Colour drained from her once more as she promptly collapses on the bed in such shock.

He loves her?!

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