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"have you lost your mind? you bastard priest..." his breathing was ragged, shot through with fear and grief, and tears streamed down his face, though no sigh came to the surface.

"you came into my house l-like this... and started hitting me. why did you hit me?" his wild eyes connected with the priest's, warm blood dripping from his nose.

the priest let out a defeated sigh and sat down in the chair in front of him, while the boy's body curled up in a corner, feeling the need to pull himself as far away from the intruder who had invaded his personal space as possible.

and it had damaged his body.

"nothing can be done now..." the old man sighed in despair and the light faded from his eyes. "i never hit you, yeonjun-ah." he confessed.

then he glanced at the table he had propped his elbow on and eyed a bottle of alcohol next to the boy's laptop. he popped it open and downed it without needing a glass.

yeonjun's gaze was lost and confused. bewildered.

"wh-what do you mean you didn't hit me? i crawled over here, yelling at you to stop and you didn't... you k-kept... m-my back-"

"choi yeonjun..." the priest interrupted his frantic babbling after taking another sip from the vodka bottle. "i didn't touch you for a second. the holy water gave you wounds."

yeonjun's tear-filled eyes widened. "n-no... but i felt..." and he instinctively put his hand to his nose, where the blood continued to flow, but when his fingers parted from his skin, he felt as if he had gone mad.

because not a trace of blood had actually stained his skin.

"it's too late..." spoke the priest bitterly. "you gave him exactly what he wanted." he muttered wearily, staring at the boy's laptop screen. "and it's tuesday."

a deathly silence settled between them, psychosis gripping yeonjun in its clutches tightly.

'what have i done...'

"wh-what's the hell is wrong with me, father? i'm losing my mind! what's wrong with me!" yonjun's body began to shake, foreshadowing a freak panic attack. his fingers scrabbled desperately through the messy strains, tugging at them as if he wanted to rip them out of place.

"choi yeonjun, look at me." the man's thick, raspy voice came out like a weary growl, as if he had reached the end of his strength, ready to lose whatever hope he still held.

"look at me!" his voice broke at that cry, but he managed to make the boy look up at him.

"are you cain?"


and the sky seemed to shatter into pieces. the earth shook, losing all semblance of balance.

yeonjun gasped sharply and covers his mouth with his palms. tears stained his face as the poison began to spread rapidly inside him, seizing his judgment and controlling every beat of his broken heart.

because he knew, better than anyone that... there's only one thing a demon cannot lie about.

its name.

𝒍𝒖𝒄𝒊𝒅 𝒊𝒏𝒔𝒂𝒏𝒊𝒕𝒚 ! 𝗒𝖾𝗈𝗇𝖻𝗂𝗇Where stories live. Discover now