Day 4

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You woke up from yesterday, only to feel the sore pain of your breasts. You quickly recalled why you were not wearing any clothes and blushed hardly. "I guess we are official" you thought to yourself. You decided to lean a bit upwards, and you heard that sweet voice coming in. "Hey Y/N! I just finished mopping the floor and cleaning the bedsheets so don't worry" he smiled. "Wait- how did you do that when I was still on the bed?" You wondered as Sabo blushed. "I may or may not have carried you in the process and bathed you" he sai guiltily. "Aw, thanks babe. I guess I am a heavy sleeper" you laughed at yourself. "Haha, it's fine. Anyways, here. Don't move, I know you are feeling sore right now, I'll grab you your clothes for you." He told you. "Which one do you want?" He asked. "Oh, the Jean dress and the black top please dear" you told him. "Oh, and can you also grab my bra and underwear?" You smirked as his innocent hands grabbed your underclothes. "S-sure, here" he blushed. "Thanks darling~" you said, giving him a sweet kiss on his cheek as he returned a smile to you. You put your bra first, then you had a idea. "Ugh, my breast is still so sore" you complained to Sabo, slightly holding it. He blushed a lot. "O-oh, are you ok?" He said to you, going onto the bed with you and looking at your breast, holding your hands. "Yeah, I think I'm going to go to a massage today." You smirked. Making him jealous. "H-hey! Only I can touch it- I I mean well.. I don't want others to touch your breast" he answered shyly. "Aw, what happened to the Sabo yesterday? Now your so shy and innocent dear~" you looked at him, moving closer. You felt your breast slightly touch his shirt. Now he was a hot mess. "I- uhm.." he stuttered. "Ahha, I'm just joking~ but all jokes aside, can you please massage it tonight? I feel like it's gonna explode." You told him. He blushed a bit. "O-ok! Sure!" He smiled. "Im gonna go downstairs first ok dear?" He told you. "Ok" you said as he kissed you and went downstairs.

You put the black shirt on, then the jean dress on top. You wore a cute headband of your favorite colour and curled/ straightened the ends of your hair. "Perfect!" You told yourself as you were brushing your teeth. You smelled the scent of bacon and you immediately went downstairs. "Oh my gosh, did that actually happen?" Someone murmured. "No wonder it was so loud~" another person teased. You finally reached the end of the staircase and found out what was happening. Apparently Ace heard you guys making out and told the others, Sabo was covering his face with a pillow as Thatch was calming him down while Marco was teasing with Ace, Luffy busy eating- stealing the bacon from the pot. "Look who it is~ just on time! When's the baby coming?" Ace smirked. "Why do you have to be involved in your brothers s3x life?" You asked him with a annoyed look. "If it wasn't so loud I would've had known." He teased. "A-Ace, stop" Sabo warned him. "Come on little bro, you gave to admit you were enjoying the pain" he winked jokingly. "Luffy dear, can you fetch me the flip flop?" You looked at him, he nodded and stretched his arm, giving you the flip flop. "One more word and you will be in your death bed boy, you hear me?" You said with a low and terrifying voice. The room became tense. Even Sabo had to admit that you are scary when your mad. "Ugh, fine whatever, but remember that we are still here, so don't make a nursery yet!" He teased. You were about to hit him when you saw the scared look on his face. He might be annoying, but you still cared for him. "Ugh, fine. I'll let you off with a warning, your lucky I love you as well." You told Ace. He smiled warmly and joined his brother Luffy, stealing some more bacon from Thatch. "Heyyy!" Sabo whined. "I thought you loved me?" He said with his puppy eyes. "Aw, I'm sorry babyyyy" you said guiltily, kissing him on his forehead. "I love you more than anyone or anything." You told him. "Hehe, love you too~" he told you sweetly, returning you the kiss. "Aww, this is so sweet" Thatch said, not noticing half of the bacon was gone. "Haha, Thatch, I think you wanna check on your bacon" Marco said, he turned back and noticing the two brothers. "HEY! GET BACK HERE!" He said, chasing then around. You, Sabo and Marco was laughing as they were being chased.

Finally, it was time to go to the beach, you and Sabo was sitting in the shallow part of the ocean, while Luffy and Ace was having a sand castle building contest, Marco was on a bench near you guys, reading a book about phoenixes, Thatch next to him, reading a book about cooking. Wanna have a breathing contest?" You asked Sabo. "Sure, why not?" He told you. You counted to three and went underwater. It was around 40 seconds and you were already running out of breath, you decided to tease your boyfriend and kissed him, opening his mouth with your lips and sucking some air from his mouth. He was blushing super hard, you decided to ditch the contest and went in for a kiss, Sabo grabbing your waist. He could tell you were out of air again so he let you steal some from him. You giggled as he kissed your forehead. Then you heard Marco shout in the distance. "Hey lovebirds! Get a room, would ya?" You guys went to the shore to find Ace taking photos of you guys, "Thatch is making barbecue, so you might as well come before Luffy and I steal it!" He shouted. You looked at Sabo and laughed. He held your hand as you were running towards them. You and Sabo were sharing foods and Marco taking photos as Ace and Luffy practically inhaled the food. Thatch giving you guys more before they steal it all. Then you guys played volleyball but it didn't last long because Luffy hit the ball too hard.
                                                              TIME SKIP
You guys went home after a long day at the beach. Now you were in your cozy room, reading a book about devil fruits. "Hey babe!" Sabo called. "Oh, what's up?" You asked him, putting your book down. "Do you still need the breast massage darling?" He asked you, a hint of guiltiness was in his voice. "Oh, yeah! Do you mind?" You asked him. "I'll be delighted to!" He answered as he got into the bed with you. "Haha, ok" you rolled to his side, your breast was kind of large because it was swollen. He blushed a bit before touching it.
                                                           Half lemon (skip this paragraph if you don't want this)

He wrapped his hands around your breast and started rubbing it. You silently moan as you felt the amazing feeling you felt last night. "I wish I could give you a massage everyday like this, but it will probably heal soon, I mean it's not that I don't want you to heal.. I- uhm.. just enjoy it.." he said blushing. You giggled. "You know, I don't really mind it being sore, if it means I get your massage every night~" you teased. "Really?~" Sabo replied with a low voice. "Then why don't I make it sore now~" he told you, his hands on the bottom of your shirt, ready to lift it up. "Woah, someone's getting excited~" you smirked as he lifted your shirt up. "Let's not make it too wet today, ok? Just a few sips and off to bed dear." You told him. "Awh, can we at least make it longer?" He begged you with puppy eyes. "Alright alright." You told him. "Yay" he replied.

He quickly removed your bra, not wanting to waste time. He launched for your left nipple again, squeezing it with his hands. "Ah~" you moaned as you put your hand around his head. "Baby~ remember, not too wet" you reminded him. "Mhm~" he murmured. "Ahh~ mommy I love your breast milk" he said, still licking your nipple. "Awh, then I hope you enjoy what's underneath~" your smirked. He went for your right nipple,
quickly finishing it off. He removed your underwear and started licking your womanhood. And the whi,e process repeated again.

Once everything was finished, it was defiantly wet, but you didn't mind. Now you and Sabo were under the sheets, cuddling each other with no clothes on. Sabo continuing to massage your breast.
"Goodnight mommy~ thanks for feeding me today~" he said, smirking as he pinched your n!pple.
"Goodnight babe~" you told him and both of you went to sleep

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