Day 5

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You woke up soundly as you were cuddling Sabo in your bed. "Mmm, good morning dear!" Sabo said to you. "Oh, morning!" You smiled in return. "How did you sleep?" He asked you. "Amazing!" You told him. "Good! Now lets go downstairs? I heard Thatch is making something special today." He told you. "Ooh~ ok!" You said, getting up. You wore your favourite outfit and did your morning routine and went downstairs with Sabo.
  "Good morning lovebirds" Marco teased. "Shut up. Anyways, where is Luffy and Ace?" You asked them. "Oh, they went to the farm near this place to go grocery shopping for Thatch, but right now they seem to be eating some of the ingredients they bought." Marco laughed as Thatch raged in the phone call. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU ATE  ALL OF IT!" He raged as Ace was explaining. "You little- just come back home. I'll just make it another day." Thatch said disappointedly. You looked at Sabo with a sad face. Sabo knew what you wanted, so he told Thatch that you guys were happy to go and buy the stuff for him. "Really? Thank you so much!" He said. "No problem!" You smiled. He gave you guys the list of ingredients and you guys were off.
      It was all ordinary stuff but one caught your eyes. "Random devil fruit? What!?" You exclaimed. "Maybe it's a special recipe?" Sabo guessed. "Well, yeah. But where should we get THAT!?" You asked. "Lets just just go to the ocean and see who uhm.. unalived." He said guiltily. You smiled awkwardly and went to the location. There were a few fruits but one of them was a cake shape. "I think Thatch will like this one" you said. "Alright, I'll get it for you." He said as he jumped in the ocean. After like, 2 seconds he came back and gave you the fruit. "Aww, thanks. Here, let me dry you off first." You reached in and gave him your towel. He thanked you as he wrapped it around his neck. You guys went back home with all of the groceries and gave it to Thatch. "Thanks guys! I'm sorry about the devil fruit. Hopefully you can forgive me" he told you guys. Looking at Sabo, his clothes still soaked. "No problem! Besides, you did so much for us, its about time we returned the favour." Sabo told him. "Yeah, we really appreciate you, Thatch!" You smiled warmly. Thatch was wiping his tears as he hugged you guys. "I didn't hear those words in *sniff sniff* so long" he cried. "Aw, don't worry Thatch, we all love you here" you said as Sabo patted his back.
       After all that, Thatch made a amazing devil fruit cake to celebrate your friendship anniversary. "This is so worth it" Sabo told him as he was holding your hands. "Yeah!" You told him as Thatch chuckled.
                           ~Time Skip~
It has been literally almost a year since you moved in with Sabo and the boys.But today was a extra special day. "Uhm, Sabo? I think it's time." You heard Marco told him. "Huh?" You questioned. "Oh, right!" He said. "I'll leave you guys to it" Ace winked as everyone in the room left, and now only you and Sabo were in the room. "Uhm, Sabo?" You asked. You were getting a bit worried.

     Sabo went down on one knee, he reached in his pocket and he opened a little black box, inside was something shiny. "Y/N, you have been a amazing partner throughout my life and I would love it if you would be happy to spend the rest of your life with me. You have been there for me when times were dark, you have been there for me when I was down. And I want to do the same for you as well. So I really hope you feel safe with me. Because I do, and I really love you, and I will only love you for the rest of my life. Will you.. marry me?" He opened the box, revealing the ring. Tears filled your eyes ."YES!" You screamed. Sabo stood up as you jumped on him, he carried you in the air and spinned in circles for a bit. He then pulled you close and kissed you sweetly. "I love you!" He told you. "I love you too" you told him. And kissed again.

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