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The cool breeze hits my face along with the small waves of the sea on my feet. I just stood on the beach, because my young boy doesn't like the smoke of the cigarette, and I also don't want Porchay to inhale it.

Porchay was still taking a bath, so I thought about going for a walk first. And while walking back to our room I hadn't gone far when I heard a woman's voice. She screams and seems to be asking for help.

That's why I came closer and saw a woman who seemed to be harassed by two men. I approached them and I immediately kicked the man hard in his leg and when he fell I followed the other man, grabbed him by the shoulder and punched him hard in the face.

They stood up, they quickly ran away from us. I looked at the woman who was now crying. I was surprised when she hugged me tightly.

"Thank you P'Kim" She said.

I knew already who she was because of her voice. I grabbed her shoulder and pulled myself away from her.

"Next time don't walk alone. Do you know it's dangerous for a woman to be unescorted?" I asked.

She grabbed my hand but I took it fast. "Thank you P'kim, you saved me."

I chuckled at what I heard. "I did it not because I wanted to save you, I did it because I didn't want anyone to die at this time"

But she just smiled at me. "It's the same things P'Kim"

I didn't say anything and walked away from her. I went straight to a restaurant just next to the resort and I knew they were already there.

When I entered, I saw Porchay and Tankhun at the table waiting for the waiters to finish serving the food. I wrapped my arms around Porchay's waist and hug him from the back and kissed him on the crown of his head.

My head went down toward his neck and smelled his sweet scent. "You smell so good, baby. It makes me hard." I whispered.

Porchay quickly hit my hands which were hugging him. "Stop it P'Kim"

I pulled from the hug and sat next to him and looked at the food on the table. All the dishes I asked for are Porchay's favorites and of course, Tankhun's favorite dishes will not be missing either.

While we were eating, I saw Porchay take out his phone as if talking to someone. After a while, a woman appeared in front of us.

"Oh P'Yuri, you're here, take your seat" Porchay said.

Yuri sat next to Tankhun, which is why Tankhun's face was frowning.

"Eat P'Yuri, don't be shy, by the way, why did it take you so long?"

"Because a while ago, while I was on my way here, two men blocked me." Yuri answered and stared at me. "Good thing P'Kim was there, he helped me"

Porchay looked surprised and was now looking at me. "Really P'Kim?"

"Yeah" I answered sparingly.

I want to be angry, and why did Porchay even let this woman be with us? While eating I didn't speak and just listened to what they were talking about.

"You are Yuri right?" Tankhun suddenly asked.

"Yes P'"

And he glared at Yuri. "You know, I don't like you-"

"P'No" Porchay interrupted what Tankhun had to say.


"But I like you P'" Yuri responds to Tankhun.

I saw how disgusted the expression on Tankhun's face was. I suddenly looked at Yuri as he put shrimp on my plate.

"Taste it P'Kim, it's their best menu," Yuri said and smiled at me.

"No P'Yuri, P'kim are allergic to shrimp" Porchay said and took the shrimp from me.

"I'm sorry" Yuri apologized and frowned.

We continued again while Porchay and Yuri keep talking about their favorite foods. Yuri took a spring roll with peanut sauce and put it on my plate again.

I put my spoon on the table and gave her a hideous look.

"P'Yuri, P'kim don't like vegetables" Porchay said and again took the vegetable that from my plate.

"Will you please stop?" I asked her in an irritated voice.

Tankhun put down his spoon too and glared at Yuri. "Hey, stop it. You're not close with Kim and you're not our friends so you don't need to do that. Look at P'Kim's face, he's getting irritated with you." Tankhun said while pointing at me.

Yuri lower his gaze and wiped the tears from her eyes. "I'm sorry"

"No-no P'Yuri, it's not your fault. Please don't think of them, okay? They just want to annoy you." Porchay said and smiled.

Yuri smiled bitterly at Porchay and when we finished eating, the woman immediately said goodbye to us. As we entered our room, Porchay faced me with his arms crossed.

"What?" I asked him.

"You're so mean to P'Yuri Kim."

I just walked away and sat on the bed. " Can't you see what she's doing? I don't like it, baby"

He walked briskly and stood in front of me. "Why don't you get annoyed with me when I do that?"

I held both of his hands and stare at his beautiful face. "Because it's you, baby. I don't want them to do that, I just only want you." I pulled him and made him sit on my lap. "Listen, baby, I'm only yours, which means you have the only right to do everything with me. okay? I'm your boyfriend Chay, and you're my baby. Do you understand what I mean?"

"Yeah," he answered while playing with his fingers. "But P'Yuri is my friend-"

"Yes, but it doesn't mean that she has the right to do that. You're so innocent and kind that is why" I said.

He hugged me and buried his face in my neck and cried. "I'm sorry"

I also hugged him tightly and pat his back. "Stop saying sorry baby, it's not your fault. Now, may I see your pretty face?"

And he slowly looked at me. "P'Kim.."

I wiped his tears and peck a kiss on the lips. "Yes, baby? Say what you want and I'll give it to you right away."

He brought his face close to my ear and whispered. "I can feel you. "

I touched his face, and I smiled to see his cheeks blush. "your plum and soft cheeks are now getting redden."  And I  look at him from head to toe. "You look sexy now" I said in a seductive voice and bit my bottom lip. "Can we do it now baby?"

Porchay pressed his lips together and hugged me tightly.

"But I want coconut P'Kim" He said.

I came to his ear and bit it. "Ahh. But I want to get inside you. Don't you miss my touch baby? My tongue is hungry for you, angel, and my fingers also wants to get inside you."

He tighten his grip on my shoulder and moaned softly. "Ahh....."

"Don't you want me to lick your ass, baby? Don't you want to come inside my mouth? You want fast and rough right? I can satisfy you." I said and sucked his neck. "I want to lick you from your head to toe."

He suddenly pushed me and bites his thumb. " But, I want my coconut now P"

I giggled beacuse of his cuteness. "Okay, wait for me here, okay?" I said and he just nodded.

I left the room to buy his favorite. When I arrived the man who made coconut juice smiled at me and gave me a glass filled with red juice or what.

"It's our bestselling here Sir, and I want you to taste it for free." He said.

I didn't have any dreadful thoughts and I didn't think twice about drinking it. And when I was walking towards our room, it was as if I felt dizzy and weak.

I was holding my head because of pain while my vision was slowly getting blurry. I felt someone come to me and support me. We entered a room and lay on the bed until I slowly closed my eyes.

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