Chapter Twelve

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"Hey stranger," Scarlett stops in front of my desk, catching me by surprise.

My heart skips a beat as my eyes move from the computer to meet hers. I can look into her ocean-blue eyes all day, but I shouldn't.

"Have you been avoiding me?" She asks, pushing my notepad aside to sit on my table.

Yes, she's right in her observation. I have been avoiding her. I can't shake the feeling I am doing something wrong by not telling her about Tripp and the truth is I don't want to.

I also feel guilty when I am with Tripp as well. That's why I went to surprise him last night. I was so quick to pick a fight, so I won't feel guilty anymore, even that didn't work.

"Well, I can't if I don't want to get fired." I joke. She raises an eyebrow at me. I feel the nerves, upsetting my stomach. "Be-because you are my boss." I stutter explaining the joke.

"I hope that's not the only reason you are around me." It looks more like a statement to her than to me. She's drawing circles on the table.

"That and the fact that you are the most interesting person in this company," I smile and softly, she smiles back.

She stands, "You should come to a yacht party an acquaintance of mine is throwing this Saturday."

Scarlett doesn't use the word friend a lot, which makes me wonder if I am her friend.

"Is it for work?" I ask.

Rich people's party is not exactly my scene. I will feel out of place.

"No, but you should still accompany me. Who knows, you might get inspiration for your art."

Speaking about my art, on a sunny Saturday, last weekend, I sat down alone in the apartment and started to sketch. I didn't even know what I was sketching about but it felt good having to pick up a pencil.

"Inspiration from whom, a dozen of rich snobs?" I blurt out.

"Ouch," She feigns hurt. "Careful there, you might also be referring to me."

You are my rich snob

Scarlett sighs, "The party is actually a divorce party. Anna, the woman who invited me, is throwing this part in a sad attempt not to appear unbothered that her ex-husband is fucking her step-brother."

"Whoa, "I say in genuine amusement.

"There are a lot more stories among the rich snobs, you just need them to be drunk enough to tell it."

Now, I am curious. What's Scarlett's story?

"So see you on Saturday?" She asks confident that she has swayed my decision.

And she has.

I nod. "What should I wear?"

"That won't be a problem. My driver will pick you up and take you to my place and we will find the perfect outfit.


"Have it," I stretch my arm to hand over a glass of water to Tripp who is busy writing a song.

Tripp closes his note bad and pushes his guitar to the side before he collects the bottle of water from my hand.

I have noticed he often does this, closing off his music from me. He used to show me what he is working on. He shows me everything. Maybe now he is too embarrassed by his dream of being a rock star.

I sit on the couch with him. "I have a yacht party to attend this Saturday."

Tripp turns to me, holding his laugh. "A yacht party?" He mocks.

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