⥦ C H A P T E R 1 ⥧

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They kicked him out.

Jungkook's parents didn't want him anymore so they kicked him out.

Well, in their defense Jungkook was kind of a shit son. He never listened to his parents and was the embodiment of a cliche 'bad boy'. The image that came to your mind just now? Yeah, that was Jungkook.

He had the tattoos, the leather jacket, the piercings, and yeah, the motorcycle. Jungkook was reckless and didn't care for the consequences his actions might bring. And at first, his parents tried to stop him from doing "stupid shit" as his dad would say but Jungkook was stubborn. He was consistent. And soon his parents gave up on trying.

That is till he got arrested. And now he's here, far away from his family. In an all-boys boarding school for the morally flawed.

"It's a school for boys just like him" he remembered the social worker saying to his parents

"Anything is better than jail" his parents answered

"You're right about that. You guys are lucky the judge gave you this option. His record is already messed up, hopefully, the school can reshape him."

His dad chuckled "it'll take a miracle for him to be changed in any way. Believe me, we've tried everything"

"This school has... different methods of... discipline that I'm sure will work. Don't worry your son will be in good hands"

Jungkok was sure his parents just wanted him out of their hands and that was okay for them as long as Jungkook wasn't their problem anymore.

Despite his distaste for his new living situation, Jungkook settled into Hanam's School For Boys just fine. He had the same classes he would have in a regular school or at least that's what he'd assumed. He never really went to school so he had no way of knowing.

During one of his classes, Jungkook spots a figure lurking in the hallways through the window of his classroom.

That's strange everyone should be in their classes

It was basically impossible for someone to skip class; there were aids everywhere, if you could even call them that. They were basically security guards that carried tasers around with them.

"Hey, sir? Can I go to the bathroom?" jungkook abruptly interrupted

The teacher had barely turned around to respond before Jungkook was out of his seat and out of the room. If this kid was ditching, he wanted to know how and why he was being so reckless about it.

"Hey!" jungkook whisper-yelled

The boy ignored him and started walking away, pretending he didn't hear Jungkook calling him.


"Hey dipshit, I'm talking to you! Are you deaf or something?" Jungkook sped up his steps in an effort to catch up with the boy

But the boy was walking so fast and when he finally glanced back at Jungkook, acknowledging his presence, the bell rang and students swarmed the hallways making Jungkook lose sight of the boy.


The following day the same thing happens. Jungkook sees the same boy ditching his classes again but this time instead of chasing after him, Jungkook nudges the boy sitting next to him. He would consider him as not a friend... Maybe an acquaintance of sorts. When jungkook first came to the school, Taehyung kept spewing some nonsense about the hall that jungkook's dorm was in and how it was haunted by one of the old students who died last year under mysterious circumstances none stop and after that, Taehyung never seemed to leave him alone.


"Do you see the dude walking outside?" he whispers

"What? No" Tae replied as he looked out the window

"Are you sure like.. Look! he's literally right there" jungkook said tapping his friend


"Right there next to the window!"

"Bro I don't see anything!"

"Okay, that's enough! Jungkook, Taehyung, out! Clearly whatever you're talking about is way more important than what I'm teaching so why don't you go have your conversation in the principal's office."

Because this was Jungkook's first time being in a situation like this, the principal decided to cut him some slack while Tae on the other hand, got detention. After leaving the principal's office, Jungkook just wandered around looking for this boy. He was sure the guy had seen and heard him chasing after him but decided to ignore him and it really got on Jungkook's nerves.

Since the previous class was his last class of the day and Taehyung was in detention, Jungkook just decided to go back to his dorm, giving up on trying to find 'mystery guy'.

On his way back Jungkook suddenly felt someone shove him from behind. Turning around, he was met with the annoying face of Mingu and his two minions, Jongho and Beomgyu.

"It's a rare sight to see you alone Jeon," Mingu said
"Where's your little bitch huh?"
In any other instance, Jungkook would have just ended this whole conversation with physical violence but now he was just so tired and done with everything that he didn't care what these assholes did to him as long as he got some quiet after. That's all he wanted, just quiet. Quiet from his thoughts, his situation, just everything he wanted peace.

There was no doubt that Mingu and his friends were trying to intimidate and threaten Jungkook but he was already zoned out by now.

"I'm gonna go," Jungkook said

"Hey! What the fuck? You can't just leave like that dumbass!" Mingu yelled after him

"Yeah, come back we're not done yet!"

But their yelling was to no avail because Jungkook walked until he got to his dorm room without looking back. Jungkook knew Mingi's type. There was a very fine line between kids who are trying to act difficult and tough and those who are actually difficult for a reason. Mingu and his friends were the latter. They think it's fun to pick on people and make fun of people for entertainment while in Jungkook's case, he was an asshole most of the time because he's just annoyed at how dumb people can be. But now that he's experiencing the distress that he might have brought other people he felt like an ass.

Jungkook honestly just wanted to leave and go somewhere where he could be alone. He just wanted to disappear. Seize to exist or just he wanted silence. And for no reason, Jungkook felt like crying. Even though he hated to admit it, maybe he did miss home. The atmosphere of this place was so suffocating. None of the things that made him happy were present and he had no motivation to find anything new.

"I wanna fucking kill myself", Jungkook said into the empty room squeezing his eyes in an effort to stop threatening tears from falling.

Then suddenly a voice comes out of nowhere saying "I wouldn't do that if I were you, it doesn't provide as much satisfaction as you'd think"

Ghost Boy (Jikook AU)Where stories live. Discover now