⥦ C H A P T E R 2 ⥧

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Jungkook almost falls off his bed in shock. He looks around only to find the boy he's been chasing sitting on the window sill.

"Holy shit are you okay?" the boy helped jungkook up

"Who the fuck are you and why the fuck are you in my room?" Jungkook asks refusing to let the boy touch him

"I'm Jimin, you?"

"Why were you running away in the halls?"

"I didn't think you could see me" jimin replied

"Why the fuck wouldn't I be able to see you I was literally yelling at you and- h- how did you get in my room?"

Before Jimin could reply Taehyung came bursting into Jungkook's room
"Bro you're soo lucky the principal went easy on you. detention was so boring. First I had to write some nonsense essay about responsibility and the importance of paying attention in class and then I had to be the fucking janitor for the school and clean up the hallways and classrooms like there should be a person for that! Why do students have to be doing that?!"
Jungkook looked between Taehyung and Jimin dumbfounded

"Ugh anyway who were you talking to?" Tae sighed

Just then, Jungkook notices that Jimin is literally sitting right by Tae but Tae doesn't seem to see Jimin.

"Hey uh, Tae, c- can you check if it's a full moon?"
Jungkook asks suddenly


"Like look through the window and see what stage the moon is in"

Tae got up and looked through the window completely failing to see the boy sitting by the window sill
"Umm I don't see the moon there's just a bunch of stars"
"Ok great um... you should probably go then" Jugnkook said as he got up and started pushing jungkook out of the room

"what the fuck man you're being weird"

"No I- I just have to change my clothes like right now and it's getting pretty late so you should go"

"Okay! Okay! Just let me go!"

After finally succeeding in pushing Taehyung out of his room he turns around to the window opposite his dorm door expecting to find Jimin and rigorously interrogate him on who the fuck he is and what the fuck he wanted from him but he was met with an empty room.

That night Jungkook didn't sleep. All he could think about was Jimin. Who is he and why couldn't Taehyung see him?

Ghost Boy (Jikook AU)Where stories live. Discover now